번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 2023's resolution ischo 2023.01.07 24
공지 Alternatives to "Fine Thanks and you" and "Bye Bye" ischo 2022.11.02 27
공지 Expression that I want to remember ischo 2022.08.11 30
113 2021.11.22 - I don't want to be a fifth wheel. ischo 2021.11.22 4
112 2021.11.16 - It's on the tip of my tongue. ischo 2021.11.16 8
111 2021.11.11 - You're playing with fire. ischo 2021.11.11 5
110 2021.11.01 - The repair costs are starting to add up. ischo 2021.11.01 8
109 2021.10.29 - Not at all. I'd be happy to. ischo 2021.10.29 6
108 2021.10.27 - Don't pull my leg. ischo 2021.10.27 11
107 2021.10.21 - How come you're so confidence? ischo 2021.10.21 4
106 2021.10.13 - She gets angry at the drop of a hat. ischo 2021.10.13 7
105 2021.10.12 - She's back on her feet ischo 2021.10.12 6
104 2021.10.11 - Just make sure you update it regularly. ischo 2021.10.11 5
103 2021.10.08 - I hope everything goes smoothly. ischo 2021.10.08 10
102 2021.10.05 - That plan went out the window. ischo 2021.10.05 4
101 2021.10.04 - He's here rain or shine. ischo 2021.10.04 5
100 2021.10.02 - Everything is delicious there. ischo 2021.10.02 5
99 2021.09.28 - Yeah, he was bragging way too much. ischo 2021.09.28 5
98 2021.09.27 - Maybe he just prefers them to digital music. ischo 2021.09.27 8
97 2021.09.22 - it's all Greek to me. ischo 2021.09.22 5
96 2021.09.21 - Well, that worked out well for you. ischo 2021.09.21 9
95 2021.09.03 - Aren't you happy with your phone? ischo 2021.09.03 8
94 2021.09.01 - Well, I'll do whatever it takes. ischo 2021.09.01 4

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