번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 2023's resolution ischo 2023.01.07 24
공지 Alternatives to "Fine Thanks and you" and "Bye Bye" ischo 2022.11.02 27
공지 Expression that I want to remember ischo 2022.08.11 30
53 2021.05.03 - What would you suggest? ischo 2021.05.03 3
52 2021.04.20 - I don't have time to work out as you do every day. ischo 2021.04.20 2
51 2021.04.19 - How's your new job going? ischo 2021.04.19 5
50 2021.04.03 - The principal saw them making troubles. ischo 2021.04.03 2
49 2021.04.01 - I'd like to get a leather wallet. ischo 2021.04.01 1
48 2021.03.31 - I wish I could sleep without being disturbed. ischo 2021.03.31 2
47 2021.03.30 - Will you drop me off at the subway station? ischo 2021.03.30 3
46 2021.03.29 - I've been waiting for this author's new novel for so long. ischo 2021.03.29 4
45 2021.03.28 - I'm not sure as I haven't talked to him about it. ischo 2021.03.28 3
44 2021.03.24 - Since we had a light lunch, I feel hungry ischo 2021.03.24 2
43 2021.03.22 - You look totally different today. ischo 2021.03.22 2
42 2021.03.16 - Please roll up your sleeves. ischo 2021.03.16 4
41 2021.03.14 - He is going to travel around the world. ischo 2021.03.14 5
40 2021.03.08 - That's what I need. ischo 2021.03.08 7
39 2021.03.03 - I've always liked a lavender bubble bath. ischo 2021.03.03 3
38 2021.03.01 - Then let me call and check the availability. ischo 2021.03.01 4
37 2021.02.25 - I'm thinking about getting a city car these days. ischo 2021.02.25 3
36 2021.02.22 - I'm staying at a different hotel, so let's text each other later. ischo 2021.02.22 4
35 2021.02.16 - My friends told me about a train that I can ride on in my car. ischo 2021.02.17 2
34 2021.02.15 - When you think of switzerland, what comes to your mind? ischo 2021.02.15 1

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