2022.01.20 - It's not my place to say.

2022.01.20 23:53

ischo 조회 수:4

누군가 자꾸 휴게실을 엉망으로 만들고 있어요.

Some is messing up the restroom over and over.

> Someone keeps leaving a mess in the break room.


제 탓은 하지 마세요.

Don't blame me.

> Don't point the fingers at me.


당신이 거기 있던 마지막 사람이잖아요.

You're the last person who was in there.

> You were the last one in there.


네, 하지만 전 쓰레기를 전부 쓰레기통에 넣었어요.

Yeah, But I put all the wastes into a bin.

> Yeah, but I put all my trash in the bin.


그럼 누가 이런거죠?

Then, who did that?

> Then who is to blame.


제가 말씀드릴 입장은 아니네요.

I'm not in the side of speaking that.

> It's not my place to say.


그럼 힌트라도 좀 줘 보세요.

Then, just give me a hint.

> Just give me a clue then.


마케팅부 직원들에게 물어보는게 나으실 거에요.

You'll be better asking to people in the marketing department.

> You should ask some of the staff in Marketing.





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