새 컴퓨터가 필요한 것 같아.

I think I need a new computer.

> I think I need a new computer.


지금 갖고 있는건 무슨 문제가 있어?

What's the problem with the computer you have?

> What's the problem with what you have?


사용한지 5년이나 됐어. 그리고 지난 5년간 이상한 증상들이 있었거든.

It's been 5 year. And there were strange problems with it last 5 years.

> I've been using it for five years and had strange symptoms for the last five years.


오랫동안 사용해 왔네. 어떤 이상한 증상이 있는데?

You have used it for a long time. What's the strange problems?

> You've been using it a long time. What strange symptoms did you notice?


시스템을 바꾼 뒤에 컴퓨터가 엄청 느려졌어.

The computer was very slowed down after changed its system.

> My computer slowed down after I changed my system.


데스크톱으로 살 거야? 아니면 노트북으로 살거야?

Do you want to buy a desktop or a laptop?

> Will you buy a desktop or a laptop?


당연히 노트북으로 사야지. 데스크톱은 너무 크고 쓰기 불편하니까.

Of cource I would buy a laptop. A desktop is too big and unconvinient to use.

> Of cource I'll buy a laptop becuase the desktop is too large and awkward to use.


맞아. 노트북이 들고 다니기 훨씬 편리하지.

Right. Laptop is more convinient to carry on.

> Yeah, it's much easier to carry a laptop around.







번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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123 2021.12.29 - I'm going to give him a piece of my mind! ischo 2021.12.29 3
122 2021.12.27 - It keeps me on the ball. ischo 2021.12.27 5
121 2021.12.23 - He should stop by in around 15 minutes. ischo 2021.12.23 5
120 2021.12.22 - He flew off the handle about it. ischo 2021.12.22 5
119 2021.12.20 - It's a recipe for disaster. ischo 2021.12.20 3
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115 2011.11.28 - Nature is calling now. ischo 2021.11.28 6
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