
I'm fine 


I'm alright.

I'm OK.

I'm good.

Pretty Good.
I've been better.


Can't complain.

Hanging in there.

Not too shabby.

Fair to middling.


Not bad.

Not too bad.

Not the best.





Say Bye or Good Bye instead of Bye-Bye. Bye-Bye is childish.



See you!

See you laster.

See you tomorrow.

See you on firiday.

See you soon.

See you in a minuite.



Tara for now!

Bye for now. (I'll see you again soon.)

Cheerio! (British)

Later! (Very informal)

In a bit! (Very informal)

Right! I'm off. 


Have a good evening.

Have a good week.

Have a good one!

Have fun!


Humorous ------------------

See you later, Alligator! ( later -> alligator )

In a while, crocodile! 







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