원문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 // 시스템 엔지니어

Writer : http://www.ischo.net -- ischo // System Engineer in Replubic Of Korea



본문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 //시스템 엔지니어


Installing Xwindows from an ASCII Terminal
Follow these steps to install Xwindows on an ASCII terminal.

1.  Run the smitty install_all command, and then choose the following filesets to install:

      X11.fnt (selected filesets)

Note:  Running the xinit command at this point would result in the following errors:

#  xinit
Could not load /usr/lpp/gai/
1356-800 xinit: Unable to start the X server
1356-805 xinit: giving up.
1356-811 xinit: unable to connect to X server
1356-803 xinit: Server error.
1356-804 xinit: Client error.

2.  To run CDE on an ASCII terminal, do the following:

    a.  Copy the /usr/dt/config/Xservers file into the /etc/dt/config directory:

          #  cp  /usr/dt/config/Xservers  /etc/dt/config

    b.  Edit the /etc/dt/config/Xservers file to comment out the last line as follows:

          #:0 Local  local@lft0  /usr/lpp/X11/defaults/xserverrc -T -force :0

These actions allow CDE to run on the system, but will not attempt to start it on the local console.

3.  Run the following commands to verify that the dtlogin process is running:

      #  /etc/rc.dt; exit
      #  ps-ef  | grep  dt 

Installation and Initial Configuration of the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) 
Simple installation instructions
Initial CDE configuration
Additional configuration information

Simple installation instructions
On the Base Install Media for AIX the required filesets are found on Volume 1.

To install any or all of the preceding filesets, enter the following SMIT fastpath:

    smit install_all
Select the following:

Specify your CD-ROM device (for example, /dev/cd0).
Highlight SOFTWARE to install and press F4.
Select the filesets to install by highlighting the fileset and pressing F7.
Press Enter to initiate the install process.
Press Enter again to confirm the install.
Here are the minimum filesets needed to run CDE:
(To check for the minimum filesets needed on your system, enter lslpp -l X11.Dt*)

    X11.Dt.ToolTalk --  AIX CDE ToolTalk Support
    (This fileset contains the executables and libraries required to provide
ToolTalk services for AIX CDE.)
    X11.Dt.bitmaps  --  AIX CDE Bitmaps
    (This fileset contains the icons, backdrop, and palettes for the AIX  CDE.)
    X11.Dt.compat  --  AIX CDE Compatibility
    (This fileset contains icons, action definitions, and executables that are
being removed from the
    AIX CDE.  This fileset should only be applied as needed since the
information and commands it contains
    may not be available in future releases of AIX. This fileset is provided
for migration assistance from
    AIX 4.1.1 and AIX 4.1.2 to later 4.1 modification levels.)
    X11.Dt.helpinfo --  AIX CDE Help Files and Volumes
    (This fileset contains the complete set of help files and volumes for the
AIX CDE help system.
    These helps files are used for the default (C) locale.)
    X11.Dt.helpmin  --  AIX CDE Minimum Help Files
    (This fileset contains the minimum set of help files and volumes for the
AIX CDE  help system.
    These helps files are used for the default (C) locale.)
    X11.Dt.helprun  --  AIX CDE Runtime Help
    (This fileset contains executable, configuration, and resource files for
the Desktop help system.)
    X11.Dt.lib      --  AIX CDE Runtime Libraries
    (This fileset contains the run-time libraries that support Desktop
applications. Included are libraries for
    Desktop Services, Desktop Widgets, and Desktop Help.)
    X11.Dt.rte      --  AIX Common Desktop Environment
    (This fileset contains the executable, configuration, and resource files
required to run and customize the Desktop.)


Initial CDE configuration
First, consider the type of console the system is using.

Graphics Console -- If the system has a graphics adapter and the support graphic monitor, then CDE can run on the console and no further configuration is needed.

ASCII Console -- If the system has an ASCCII console, then CDE cannot be run on this console. Follow the procedure below to keep CDE from coming up on the console. Enter:
    cp /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/Xservers
    vi (or use preferred editor) /etc/dt/config/Xservers
    comment out the line which starts the Xserver Example:
# :0 Local local@console /usr/lpp/X11/defaults/xserverrc -T -force :0

Configure CDE to start at system boot and then start CDE.

From the command line, as root, execute:
    /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e
Start CDE.
If you are on the Graphics console, log out and telnet in from another machine.
If you are on an ASCII console, you do not need to log out. The CDE will not come up on the monitor. Execute the following command as root:
Confirm that CDE is running.
On the Graphics console, you should see the CDE login screen.
On an ASCII terminal execute:
    ps -ef |grep dtlogin


Additional configuration information
Make CDE read your .profile.

Uncomment DTSOURCEPROFILE = TRUE in .dtprofile, or /usr/dt/config/sys.dtprofile for global.
Ensure that all dtterm/aixterms source the .profile. Using your preferred editor, open /etc/dt/config/$LANG/sys.resources and add the following line:
    *loginShell:  true
Log out.
Log in.
Invoke dtterm from front panel.
To have your kshrc sourced, insert the following line in .profile.
    export ENV=$HOME/.kshrc
Additional information:
Important files:
/usr/dt/bin/dtlogin --  The login server and display manager
/usr/dt/bin/dtgreet --  Displays a login screen for a display
/usr/dt/bin/dtchooser --  Displays a chooser screen for a display
/usr/dt/bin/Xsession --  Starts a desktop session
/usr/dt/config/Xfailsafe -- Starts a failsafe session
/usr/dt/config/Xconfig --  Login server configuration file
/usr/dt/config/Xservers --  Login server display description file
/usr/dt/config/Xaccess --  Login server access description file
/usr/dt/config/language/Xresources -- Display layout resources
/usr/dt/config/Xsetup --  Display setup file
/usr/dt/config/Xstartup --  Pre-session startup file
/usr/dt/config/Xreset --  Post-session reset file
/var/dt/Xpid--  Process ID of the login server
/var/dt/Xerrors --  Error log file of the login server
Important permissions:
Permissions on /dev/null (666)
Permissions on /dev/lft0 (666)
Permissions on /dev/tty (666)
Permissions on /dev/console (622)
Permissions of /usr/dt/bin files
Permissions on /var/tmp (666)
Permissions on /var/dt/tmp (666)
Permissions on /etc/hosts (664)
Permissions on /home/$USER must be rwx for the USER
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