SMIT Fast Paths

2010.05.11 10:40

조인상 조회 수:19060

원문 : -- 조인상 // 시스템 엔지니어

Writer : -- ischo // System Engineer in Replubic Of Korea



본문 : -- 조인상 //시스템 엔지니어


SMIT Fast Paths

date = Change / Show Date and Time
chtz = Change Time Zone Using System Defined Values
chtz_user = Change Time Zone Using User Entered Values
sjat = Schedule a Job
lsat = List All Jobs Scheduled
rmat = Remove a Job from the Schedule
at = Schedule Jobs
licenses = Software License Management
manage_nodelocked = Manage Nodelocked Licenses
manage_servers = Manage License Servers and License Databases
verify_servers = Show Available License Servers
show_server_status = Show License Usage On Servers
show_target_id = Show Target ID
show_server_characteristics = Show Server Characteristics
manage_prod_licenses = Manage Concurrent Use and Use Once Licenses
manage_vendors = Manage Vendor Information in License Databases
standalone_config = Perform Standalone Configuration for Adding/Using Licenses
add_vendor_prod_licenses = Add New Licenses and New Vendor Information
add_prod_licenses = Add New Licenses for a Previously Added Vendor
delete_prod_licenses = Delete Licenses
add_vendors = Add Vendors
show_vendors = Show Vendors
delete_vendors = Delete Vendors
show_total_license_usage = Show License Usage Summary
show_current_license_usage = Show Licenses Currently Being Used
show_installed_licenses = Show License Information By Server
show_prod_licenses = Show Concurrent Use and Use Once Licenses
show_user_license_held = Show Licenses Held by a Specific User
add_nodelocked_from_file = Add a Nodelocked License from a File
add_nodelocked_from_keyboard = Add a Nodelocked License from the Keyboard
show_nodelocked = Show Nodelocked Licenses
delete_nodelocked = Delete a Nodelocked License
top_menu = System Management
dev = Devices
storage = System Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage)
security = Security & Users
commo = Communications Applications and Services
problem = Problem Determination
performance = Performance & Resource Scheduling
system = System Environments
src = Processes & Subsystems
apps = Applications
Menu = Using (information only)
telinit = Set System Run Level
uname = Show System Level
lsddev = List All Defined Devices
cfgmgr = Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL
printer = Printer/Plotter
tty = TTY
pty = PTY
console = Console
disk = Fixed Disk
disk_array = Disk Array
cdrom = CD ROM Drive
rwopt = Read/Write Optical Drive
diskette = Diskette Drive
tape = Tape Drive
commodev = Communications
g_display = Graphic Displays
input = Graphic Input Devices
lft = Low Function Terminal (LFT)
scsiid = SCSI Initiator Device
scsia = SCSI Adapter
aio = Asynchronous I/O
lsattr = List Devices
devinst = Install Additional Device Software
lssdev = List All Supported Devices
lsddev = List All Defined Devices
lsattrs = Show Characteristics of a Supported Device
lsattrd = Show Characteristics of a Defined Device
lvm = Logical Volume Manager
fs = File Systems
filemgr = Files & Directories
users = Users
groups = Groups
passwords = Passwords
logins = Login Controls
roles = Roles
error = Error Log
dump = System Dump
alog = Alog
verify_install = Verify Software Requisites and Installations
monitors = Resource Status & Monitors
analysis = Analysis Tools
controls = Resource Controls
sar = Report System Activity
ps_gv = Show Process Status
vmstat = Show Virtual Memory Statistics
iostat = Show Input/Output Statistics
timex = Show System Activity While Running a Command
trace_link = Trace
kill = Remove a Process
nice = Set Initial Priority of a Process
renice = Change Initial Priority of Process
telinit = Set System Run Level
shutdown = Stop the System
chcons = Assign the Console
chtz_date = Change / Show Date, Time, and Time Zone
chgsys = Change / Show Characteristics of Operating System
wall = Broadcast Message to all Users
logs = Manage System Logs
error_link = Error Log
alog_link = Alog
dump_link = Change / Show Characteristics of System Dump
rrbtty = Manage Remote Reboot Facility
pdp = Printer/Plotter Devices
lsdtty = List All Defined TTYs
maktty = Add a TTY
movtty = Move a TTY to Another Port
chgtty = Change / Show Characteristics of a TTY
rmvtty = Remove a TTY
cfgtty = Configure a Defined TTY
errpt = Generate an Error Report
trace_link = Trace a TTY
chgpty = Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY
rmvpty = Remove the PTY; Keep Definition
cfgpty = Configure the Defined PTY
errpt = Generate an Error Report
trace_link = Trace the PTY
chcons = Assign the Console
swcons = Redirect Console Output
conslog = Show the Console Log File
lsddsk = List All Defined Disks
lssdsk = List All Supported Disks
makdsk = Add a Disk
chgdsk = Change / Show Characteristics of a Disk
rmvdsk = Remove a Disk
cfgdsk = Configure a Defined Disk
trace_link = Trace a Disk
lsdcdr = List All Defined CD ROM Drives
lsscdr = List All Supported CD ROM Drives
makcdr = Add a CD ROM Drive
chgcdr = Change / Show Characteristics of CD ROM Drive
rmvcdr = Remove a CD ROM Drive
cfgcdr = Configure a Defined CD ROM Drive
trace_link = Trace a CD ROM Drive
lsdomd = List All Defined R/W Optical Drives
lssomd = List All Supported R/W Optical Drives
makomd = Add a R/W Optical Drive
chgomd = Change / Show Characteristics of R/W Optical Drive
rmvomd = Remove a R/W Optical Drive
cfgomd = Configure a Defined R/W Optical Drive
trace_link = Trace a R/W Optical Drive
lsddskt = List All Defined Diskette Drives
makdskt = Add a Diskette Drive
chgdskt = Change / Show Characteristics of a Diskette Drive
rmvdskt = Remove a Diskette Drive
cfgdskt = Configure a Defined Diskette Drive
trace_link = Trace a Diskette Drive
lsdtpe = List All Defined Tape Drives
lsstpe = List All Supported Tape Drives
maktpe = Add a Tape Drive
chgtpe = Change / Show Characteristics of a Tape Drive
rmvtpe = Remove a Tape Drive
cfgtpe = Configure a Defined Tape Drive
trace_link = Trace a Tape Drive
3270con = 3270 Connection
5085 = 5085/86/88 Attachment
sol = Serial Optical Link
keymap = Software Keyboard
display = Displays
font = Fonts
lsdscsi = List All SCSI Adapters
chgscsi = Change / Show Characteristics of a SCSI Adapter
trace_link = Trace a SCSI Adapter
lsdtmscsi = List All Defined SCSI Initiator Devices
lsstmscsi = List All Supported SCSI Initiator Devices
maktmscsi = Add a SCSI Initiator Device
chgtmscsi = Change / Show Characteristics of a SCSI Initiator Device
rmvtmscsi = Remove a SCSI Initiator Device
cfgtmscsi = Configure a Defined SCSI Initiator Device
trace_link = Trace a SCSI Initiator Device
trace =
chgaio = Change / Show Characteristics of Asynchronous I/O
rmvaio = Remove Asynchronous I/O; Keep Definition
cfgaio = Configure Defined Asynchronous I/O
trace_link = Trace Asynchronous I/O
vg = Volume Groups
lv = Logical Volumes
pv = Physical Volumes
pgsp = Paging Space
lsfs = List All File Systems
lsmount = List All Mounted File Systems
manfs = Add / Change / Show / Delete File Systems
jfs = Journaled File Systems
crjfs = Add a Journaled File System
crjfsstd = Add a Standard Journaled File System
crjfscomp = Add a Compressed Journaled File System
crjfsbf = Add a Large File Enabled Journaled File System
crjfslv = Add a Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical Volume
crjfslvstd = Add a Standard Journaled File System
crjfslvcomp = Add a Compressed Journaled File System
crjfslvbf = Add a Large File Enabled Journaled File System
chjfs = Change / Show Characteristics of a Journaled File System
rmjfs = Remove a Journaled File System
dejfs = Defragment a Journaled File System
cdrfs = CDROM File Systems
crcdrfs = Add a CDROM File System
chcdrfs = Change / Show Characteristics of a CDROM File System
rmcdrfs = Remove a CDROM File System
mountfs = Mount a File System
mountg = Mount a Group of File Systems
umountfs = Unmount a File System
umountg = Unmount a Group of File Systems
fsck = Verify a File System
backfilesys = Backup a File System
restfilesys = Restore a File System
listtoc = List Contents of a Backup
backfile = Backup a File or Directory
restfile = Restore a File or Directory
listtoc = List Contents of a Backup
lsps = List All Paging Spaces
mkps = Add Another Paging Space
chps = Change / Show Characteristics of a Paging Space
rmps = Remove a Paging Space
swapon = Activate a Paging Space
mkuser = Add a User
passwd = Change a Users Password
chuser = Change / Show Characteristics of a User
lockuser = Lock / Unlock a Users Account
failed_logins = Reset Users Failed Login Count
rmuser = Remove a User
lsuser = List All Users
lsgroup = List All Groups
mkgroup = Add a Group
chgroup = Change / Show Characteristics of a Group
rmgroup = Remove a Group
passwd = Change a Users Password
passwdattrs = Change / Show Password Attributes for a User
login_user = Change / Show Login Attributes for a User
login_port = Change / Show Login Attributes for a Port
mkrole = Add a Role
chrole = Change / Show Characteristics of a Role
rmrole = Remove a Role
lsrole = List All Roles
errdemon = Change / Show Characteristics of the Error Log
dump_show = Show Current Dump Devices
dump_showprev = Show Information About the Previous System Dump
dump_estimate = Show Estimated Dump Size
dump_chgd = Change the Directory to which Dump is Copied on Boot
dump_allow = Always Allow System Dump
dump_comprs = System Dump Compression
alog_show = Show an Alog File
alog_change = Change / Show Characteristics of an Alog File
dumpchgp = Change the Primary Dump Device
dumpchgs = Change the Secondary Dump Device
process = Processes
ps = Show All Current Processes
kill = Remove a Process
bindproc = Bind a Process to a Processor
ubindproc = Unbind a Process
lsdprt = List All Defined Printers/Plotters
lssprt = List All Supported Printers/Plotters
makprt = Add a Printer/Plotter
movprt = Move a Printer/Plotter to Another Port
chgprt = Change / Show Characteristics of a Printer/Plotter
rmvprt = Remove a Printer/Plotter
cfgprt = Configure a Defined Printer/Plotter
printerinst = Install Additional Printer/Plotter Software
errpt = Generate an Error Report
trace_link = Trace a Printer/Plotter
3270adap = Adapter
3270conserv = Services
3270au = User Applications
5080adap = Adapter
5085serv = Services
5080au = User Applications
ops = Adapter
chif = Services
soapps = User Applications
lskbd = List Current Software Keyboard Map for LFT
chkbd = Change the Keyboard Map for the Next System Restart
g_lsdisp = List All Graphics Adapters Available
chdispsz = Select the Display Size
chdisptype = Select the Display Type
display_pm_select = Display Power Management
chres_refrt = Select the Display Resolution and Refresh Rate
lsdisp = List All Displays Available to the LFT
chdisp = Move the LFT to Another Display
display_pm_select = Display Power Management
errpt = Generate an Error Report
trace_link = Trace a Display
lsfont = List All Fonts in the System
chfont = Select the Active Font for Next System Restart
mkfont = Add a Font to the System
keyboard = Keyboard
mouse = Mouse
tablet = Tablet
dials = Dials/LPFKeys
spaceball = Spaceball(TM)
chgkbd = Change / Show Characteristics of the Keyboard
keymap = Work With LFT Software Keyboard
trace_link = Trace the Keyboard
trace_link = Trace the Mouse
trace_link = Trace the Tablet
lsdials = List All Defined Dials/LPFKeys
makdials = Add a Dials/LPFKeys
chdials = Change / Show Characteristics of a Dials/LPFKeys
rmdials = Remove a Dials/LPFKeys
cfgdials = Configure a Defined Dials/LPFKeys
trace_link = Trace a Dials/LPFKeys
mksball = Add Spaceball
rmsball = Remove Spaceball
lsvg2 = List All Volume Groups
mkvg = Add a Volume Group
vgsc = Set Characteristics of a Volume Group
lsvg1 = List Contents of a Volume Group
reducevg2 = Remove a Volume Group
varyonvg = Activate a Volume Group
varyoffvg = Deactivate a Volume Group
importvg = Import a Volume Group
exportvg = Export a Volume Group
mirrorvg = Mirror a Volume Group
unmirrorvg = Unmirror a Volume Group
syncvg = Synchronize LVM Mirrors
lslv2 = List All Logical Volumes by Volume Group
mklv = Add a Logical Volume
lvsc = Set Characteristic of a Logical Volume
lslv = Show Characteristics of a Logical Volume
rmlv = Remove a Logical Volume
cplv = Copy a Logical Volume
lspv2 = List All Physical Volumes in System
makdsk = Add a Disk
chpv = Change Characteristics of a Physical Volume
lspv = List Contents of a Physical Volume
migratepv = Move Contents of a Physical Volume
chif = Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface Driver
chif = Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface Driver
lsd3270 = List All 3270 Connection Adapters
chg3270 = Change / Show Characteristics of a 3270 Connection Adapter
trace_link = Trace a 3270 Connection Adapter
lsdmsla = List All 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapters
makmsla = Add a 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
chgmsla = Change / Show Characteristics of a 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
rmvmsla = Remove a 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
cfgmsla = Configure a Defined 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
trace_link = Trace a 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
opsconfig = Complete Initial Configuration for the Serial Optical Link
opschange = Change / Show Characteristics of the Serial Optical Link
listotp = List All Serial Optical Channel Converter Adapters
trace_link = Trace an Optical Port Device
chvg = Change a Volume Group
extendvg = Add a Physical Volume to a Volume Group
reducevg1 = Remove a Physical Volume from a Volume Group
reorgvg = Reorganize a Volume Group
chlv1 = Change a Logical Volume
chlv2 = Rename a Logical Volume
extendlv = Increase the Size of a Logical Volume
mklvcopy = Add a Copy to a Logical Volume
rmlvcopy = Remove a Copy from a Logical Volume
__ROOT__ = __ROOT__
mkprt = Add a Printer
makprt = Add a Printer/Plotter
cfgprt = Configure a Defined Printer/Plotter
chprt = Change a Printer
movprt = Move a Printer/Plotter to Another Port
chgprt = Change / Show Characteristics of a Printer/Plotter
lsprt = List Printers
lsdprt = List All Defined Printers/Plotters
lssprt = List All Supported Printers/Plotters
chgprt = Change / Show Characteristics of a Printer/Plotter
mktty = Add a TTY
maktty = Add a TTY
cfgtty = Configure a Defined TTY
chtty = Change a TTY
movtty = Move a TTY to Another Port
chgtty = Change / Show Characteristics of a TTY
lstty = List TTYs
lsdtty = List All Defined TTYs
chgtty = Change / Show Characteristics of a TTY
mkdsk = Add a Disk
makdsk = Add a Disk
cfgdsk = Configure a Defined Disk
lsdsk = List Disks
lsddsk = List All Defined Disks
lssdsk = List All Supported Disks
chgdsk = Change / Show Characteristics of a Disk
mkcdr = Add a CD ROM Drive
makcdr = Add a CD ROM Drive
cfgcdr = Configure a Defined CD ROM Drive
lscdr = List CD ROM Drives
lsdcdr = List All Defined CD ROM Drives
lsscdr = List All Supported CD ROM Drives
mkomd = Add a R/W Optical Drive
makomd = Add a R/W Optical Drive
cfgomd = Configure a Defined R/W Optical Drive
lsomd = List R/W Optical Drives
lsdomd = List All Defined R/W Optical Drives
lssomd = List All Supported R/W Optical Drives
mkdskt = Add a Diskette Drive
makdskt = Add a Diskette Drive
cfgdskt = Configure a Defined Diskette Drive
lsdskt = List Diskette Drives
lsddskt = List All Defined Diskette Drives
chgdskt = Change / Show Characteristics of a Diskette Drive
mktpe = Add a Tape Drive
maktpe = Add a Tape Drive
cfgtpe = Configure a Defined Tape Drive
lstpe = List Tape Drives
lsdtpe = List All Defined Tape Drives
lsstpe = List All Supported Tape Drives
chgtpe = Change / Show Characteristics of a Tape Drive
mkadp = Add a Communications Adapter
makmsla = Add a 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
cfgmsla = Configure a Defined 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
chadp = Change a Communications Adapter
chg3270 = Change / Show Characteristics of a 3270 Connection Adapter
chgmsla = Change / Show Characteristics of a 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
lsadp = List Communications Adapters
lsd3270 = List All 3270 Connection Adapters
lsdmsla = List All 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapters
rmadp = Remove a Communications Adapter
rmvmsla = Remove a 5085/86/88 Attachment Adapter
lsvg = List Volumne Groups
lsvg2 = List All Volume Groups
lsvg1 = List Contents of a Volume Group
lslv2 = List All Logical Volumes by Volume Group
reducevg = Reduce a Volume Group
reducevg1 = Remove a Physical Volume from a Volume Group
reducevg2 = Remove a Volume Group
chlv = Change a Logical Volume
chlv1 = Change a Logical Volume
chlv2 = Rename a Logical Volume
mount = Mount a File System
lsmount = List All Mounted File Systems
mountfs = Mount a File System
mountg = Mount a Group of File Systems
umount = Unmount a File System
umountfs = Unmount a File System
umountg = Unmount a Group of File Systems
crfs = Add a File System
crjfs = Add a Journaled File System
crjfslv = Add a Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical Volume
crcdrfs = Add a CDROM File System
chfs = Change a File System
chjfs = Change / Show Characteristics of a Journaled File System
chcdrfs = Change / Show Characteristics of a CDROM File System
rmfs = Remove a File System
rmjfs = Remove a Journaled File System
rmcdrfs = Remove a CDROM File System
dejfs = Defragment a Journaled File System
qadm = Administer a Queue
mkque = Add a Queue
mkdials = Add a Dials/LPFKeys
makdials = Add a Dials/LPFKeys
cfgdials = Configure a Defined Dials/LPFKeys
subsys = Subsystems
subserver = Subservers
lsssys = List All Subsystems
qssys = Query a Subsystem
startssys = Start a Subsystem
stopssys = Stop Subsystem
refresh = Refresh a Subsystem
tracessys = Trace Subsystem
stopassys = Stop a Single Subsystem
stopallssys = Stop All Subsystems
tracessyson = Start Trace
tracessysoff = Stop Trace
qserver = Query a Subserver
startserver = Start a Subserver
stopserver = Stop a Subserver
traceserver = Trace a Subserver
startserver.trace = Start Trace
stopserver.trace = Stop Trace
mm = Multimedia
audio = Audio
lsacpa = List All Audio Capture & Playback Adapters
chacpa = Change / Show Characteristics of an ACPA
errpt = Generate an Error Report
trace_link = Trace an ACPA
mlang = Manage Language Environment
print = Print Spooling
spooler = Print Spooling
qprt = Start a Print Job
jobs = Manage Print Jobs
qcan = Cancel a Print Job
qchk = Show the Status of Print Jobs
qpri = Prioritize a Print Job
qhld = Hold / Release a Print Job
qmov = Move a Job Between Print Queues
pqmanage = Manage Print Queues
qstatus = Show Status of Print Queues
qstop = Stop a Print Queue
qstart = Start a Print Queue
qdefault = Set the Systems Default Print Queue
lspq = List All Print Queues
mkpq = Add a Print Queue
mkpqprt = Add an Additional Printer to an Existing Print Queue
chpq = Change / Show Print Queue Characteristics
chprtcom = Change / Show Printer Connection Characteristics
rmpq = Remove a Print Queue
server = Manage Print Server
lshostslpd = List all Remote Clients with Print Access
mkhostslpd = Add Print Access for a Remote Client
rmhostslpd = Remove Print Access for a Remote Client
mkitab_lpd = Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon)
rmitab_lpd = Stop the Print Server Subsystem
statlpd = Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem
pqtools = Programming Tools
pq_pdp = Local Print Devices
pq_lprint = Queues and Queue Devices
pq_lqdev = Queue Devices
pq_lsallqdev = List All Queue Devices
pq_mkquedev = Add a Queue Device to an Existing Queue
pq_chquedev = Change / Show Characteristics of a Queue Device
pq_rmquedev = Remove a Queue Device
pq_lq = Queues
pq_lsallq = List All Queues
pq_mklque = Add a Queue
pq_chque = Change / Show Characteristics of a Queue
pq_rmque = Remove a Queue
ttyadapters = Asynchronous Adapters
cplv_pre = Copy over an existing logical volume
cplv_user = Copy to a user created logical volume
cplv_sys = Copy to system created logical volume
syncvg_vg = Synchronize by Volume Group
syncvg_lv = Synchronize by Logical Volume
syncvg_pv = Synchronize by Physical Volume
wlm = Workload Management
wlmlsclass = List all classes
wlmaddclass = Add a class = Change / Show Characteristics of a class
wlmrmclass = Remove a class
wlmrs = Class assignment rules
wlmstart = Start/Stop/Update WLM
wlmstart2 = Start Workload Management
wlmupdate = Update limits and shares
wlmoff = Stop Workload Management
wlmrs = Class Assignement Rules
listwlmrs = List all Rules
crewlmrs = Create a new Rule
chgwlmrs = Change / Show Characteristics of a Rule
delwlmrs = Delete a Rule
mlang = Manage Language Environment
mlang = Manage Language Environment
chlang = Change/Show Primary Language Environment
mle_cc_set_hdr = Select Set of Cultural Convention, Language, and Keyboard
mle_cc_cust_hdr = Change/Show Cultural Convention, Language, or Keyboard
mle_add_lang = Add Additional Language Environments
mle_rm_lang_hdr = Remove Language Environments
mle_hier_cmd_hdr = Change/Show Language Hierarchy
mle_chapp_menu = Change/Show Applications for a Language
mle_list_app_hdr = List Applications Installed for a Language
mle_inst_lang_hdr = Add Language for Application Already Installed
mle_rmlang_hdr = Remove Language for Applications
nu_iconv = Convert System Messages and Flat Files
catalog_convert = Convert System Messages
fficonv = Convert Flat Files
chlang_user = Set User Languages
devisa = ISA Adapters
devinst_isa = Install ISA Adapter Software
mkdev_isa = Add an ISA Adapter
chdev_isa = Change / Show Characteristics of an ISA Adapter
rmdev_isa = Remove an ISA Adapter
lsddev_isa = List all Defined ISA Adapters
lssdev_isa = List all Supported ISA Adapters
mkdevl_isa = Configure a Defined ISA Adapter
chdev_isa = Change / Show Characteristics of an ISA Adapter
lsddev_isa = List all ISA Adapters
ethernet = Ethernet
eadap = Adapter
eserv = Services
enapps = User Applications
lsdenet = List All Ethernet Adapters
chgenet = Change / Show Characteristics of an Ethernet Adapter
errpt = Generate an Error Report
trace_link = Trace an Ethernet Adapter
chgenet = Change / Show Characteristics of an Ethernet Adapter
lsdenet = List All Ethernet Adapters
etherchannel = Etherchannel
lsethch = List All Etherchannels
addethch1 = Add An Etherchannel
chgethch = Change / Show Characteristics of an Etherchannel
delethch = Remove An Etherchannel
ps_lsvirprt = Change / Show Printer Attribute Database (Virtual Printers)
pqfilters = Change / Show Pre-processing Filters
backsys = System Backup Manager
backsys = System Backup Manager
sysbackup = Back Up the System
lsmksysb = List Files in a System Image
restmksysb = Restore Files in a System Image
mksysb = Back Up This System to Tape/File
mkcd = Back Up This System to CD
mkcdgeneric = Create a Generic Backup CD
vgbackup = Back Up a Volume Group
restvg = Remake a Volume Group
lsbackvg = List Files in a Volume Group Backup
restsavevg = Restore Files in a Volume Group Backup
savevg = Back Up a Volume Group to Tape/File
savevgcd = Back Up a Volume Group to CD
install = Software Installation and Maintenance
install_update = Install and Update Software
list_software = List Software and Related Information
maintain_software = Software Maintenance and Utilities
install_latest = Install and Update from LATEST Available Software
update_all = Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)
install_package = Install and Update Software by Package Name (includes devices and printers)
install_bundle = Install Software Bundle (Easy Install)
update_by_fix = Update Software by Fix (APAR)
install_all = Install and Update from ALL Available Software
list_installed = List Installed Software and Related Information
list_media = List Software on Media and Related Information
list_installed_sw = List Installed Software
list_applied_sw = List Applied but Not Committed Software Updates
show_history = Show Software Installation History
show_apar_stat = Show Fix (APAR) Installation Status
list_requisites = List Fileset Requisites
list_dependents = List Fileset Dependents
list_files = List Files Included in a Fileset
what_fileset = List Fileset Containing File
list_bundle = List Filesets in a Bundle
list_media_sw = List Software on Installation Media
list_media_fixes = List Software Fixes (APARs) on Installation Media
list_media_info = List Supplemental Fileset Information on Installation Media
commit = Commit Applied Software Updates (Remove Saved Files)
reject = Reject Applied Software Updates (Use Previous Version)
remove = Remove Installed Software
bffcreate = Copy Software to Hard Disk for Future Installation
check_files = Check Software File Sizes After Installation
verify_install = Verify Software Installation and Requisites
cleanup = Clean Up After Failed or Interrupted Installation
web_configure = Internet and Documentation Services
chdoclang = Change/Show Default Documentation Language
change_default_browser = Change / Show Default Browser
show_doc_search_server = Show Documentation and Search Server
change_doc_search_server = Change Documentation and Search Server
web_based_system_manager = Web-based System Manager
chdoclang = Change/Show Default Documentation Language
dump_startp = Start a Dump to the Primary Dump Device
dump_starts = Start a Dump to the Secondary Dump Device
dump_copy_file = Copy a System Dump from a Dump Device to a File
dump_copy_dskt = Copy a System Dump from a Dump Device to Diskette
errpt = Generate an Error Report
errclear = Clean the Error Log
portmir = Port Mirror
start_portmir = Start Port Mirror Session
stop_portmir = Stop Port Mirror Session
cfg_portmir = Configure Console Mirror For Service Boot
chlicense = Change / Show Number of Licensed Users
pm = Power Management
pmEnable = Enable / Disable Power Management State Transition
pmConfig = Configure / Unconfigure Power Management
pmConfigConfigure = Configure Power Management
pmConfigUnconfigure = Unconfigure Power Management
pmState = System State Transition from Enable State
pmData = Change / Show Characteristics of Power Management
pmTimer = Power Management Timer
pmDisplaySelect = Display Power Management
pmDevice = Power Management Characteristics of Each Device
pmBattery = Battery
pmBatteryInfo = Show Battery Information
pmBatteryDischarge = Start Battery Discharge
tcpip = TCP/IP
mktcpip = Minimum Configuration & Startup
configtcp = Further Configuration
usedhcp = Use DHCP for TCPIP Configuration & Startup
hostname = Hostname
mkhostname = Set the Hostname
lshostname = Show the Hostname
route = Static Routes
lsroute = List All Routes
mkroute = Add a Static Route
rmroute = Remove a Static Route
fshrttbl = Flush Routing Table
netinterface = Network Interfaces
chif = Network Interface Drivers
inet = Network Interface Selection
lsinet = List All Network Interfaces
mkinet = Add a Network Interface
mkinet1en = Add a Standard Ethernet Network Interface
mkinet1et = Add an IEEE 802.3 Network Interface
mkinet1tr = Add a Token-Ring Network Interface
mkinet1sl = Add a Serial Line INTERNET Network Interface
mkinet1so = Add a Serial Optical Network Interface
mkinet1ca = Add a 370 Channel Attach Network Interface
chinet = Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface
rminet = Remove a Network Interface
clientnet = Client Network Services
namerslv = Name Resolution
resolv.conf = Domain Nameserver (/etc/resolv.conf)
stnamerslv = Start Using the Nameserver
stnamerslv1 = Restore a Copy of /etc/resolv.conf File
stnamerslv2 = Create a New /etc/resolv.conf File
lsnamerslv = List All Nameservers
mknamerslv = Add a Nameserver
rmnamerslv = Remove a Nameserver
spnamerslv = Stop Using a Nameserver\n\
mkdomain = Set / Show the Domain
rmdomain = Remove the Domain
domainsearch = Set / Show the Domain Search List
rmsearch = Remove the Domain Search List
hostent = Hosts Table (/etc/hosts)
lshostent = List All Hosts
mkhostent = Add a Host
chhostent = Change / Show Characteristics of a Host
rmhostent = Remove a Host
inetserv = Services (/etc/services)
lsservices = List All Services
mkservices = Add a Service
chservices = Change / Show Characteristics of a Service
rmservices = Remove a Service
Menu = Syslog (information only)
Menu = Protocols (information only)
ruser = Server Network Services
rmtaccess = Remote Access
hostsequiv = Host Access (/etc/host.equiv)
lshostsequiv = List All Remote Hosts
mkhostsequiv = Add a Remote Host
rmhostsequiv = Remove a Remote Host
ftpusers = Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers)
lsftpusers = Show All Restricted Users
mkftpusers = Add a Restricted User
rmftpusers = Remove a Restricted User
otherserv = Other Available Services
inetd = Super Daemon (inetd)
inetdsubsys = inetd Subsystem
mkinetd = Start Using the inetd Subsystem
mkinetd_now = NOW
mkinetd_boot = Next System RESTART
mkinetd_both = BOTH Now and at System Restart
chinetd = Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem
rminetd = Stop Using the inetd Subsystem
rminetd_now = NOW
rminetd_boot = Next System RESTART
rminetd_both = BOTH
inetdconf = inetd Subservers
lsinetdconf = List All inetd Subservers
mkinetdconf = Add an inetd Subserver
chinetdconf = Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver
rminetdconf = Remove an inetd Subserver
syslogd = syslogd Subsystem
stsyslogd = Start Using the syslogd Subsystem
stsyslogd_now = NOW
stsyslogd_boot = Next System RESTART
stsyslogd_both = BOTH
chsyslogd = Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem
spsyslogd = Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem
spsyslogd_now = NOW
spsyslogd_boot = Next System RESTART
spsyslogd_both = BOTH
routed = routed Subsystem
strouted = Start Using the routed Subsystem
strouted_now = NOW
strouted_boot = Next System RESTART
strouted_both = BOTH
chrouted = Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem
sprouted = Stop Using the routed Subsystem
sprouted_now = NOW
sprouted_boot = Next System RESTART
sprouted_both = BOTH
gated = gated Subsystem
stgated = Start Using the gated Subsystem
stgated_now = NOW
stgated_boot = Next System RESTART
stgated_both = BOTH
chgated = Change / Show Restart Characteristics of gated Subsystem
spgated = Stop Using the gated Subsystem
spgated_now = NOW
spgated_boot = Next System RESTART
spgated_both = BOTH
named = named Subsystem
stnamed = Start Using the named Subsystem
stnamed_now = NOW
stnamed_boot = Next System RESTART
stnamed_both = BOTH
chnamed = Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem
spnamed = Stop Using the named Subsystem
spnamed_now = NOW
spnamed_boot = Next System RESTART
spnamed_both = BOTH
rwhod = rwhod Subsystem
strwhod = Start Using the rwhod Subsystem
strwhod_now = NOW
strwhod_boot = Next System RESTART
strwhod_both = BOTH
sprwhod = Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem
sprwhod_now = NOW
sprwhod_boot = Next System RESTART
sprwhod_both = BOTH
timed = timed Subsystem
sttimed = Start Using the timed Subsystem
sttimed_now = NOW
sttimed_boot = Next System RESTART
sttimed_both = BOTH
chtimed = Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem
sptimed = Stop Using the timed Subsystem
sptimed_now = NOW
sptimed_boot = Next System RESTART
sptimed_both = BOTH
Menu = portmap Subsystem (information only)
snmpd = snmpd Subsystem
stsnmpd = Start Using the snmpd Subsystem
stsnmpd_now = NOW
stsnmpd_boot = Next System RESTART
stsnmpd_both = BOTH
spsnmpd = Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem
spsnmpd_now = NOW
spsnmpd_boot = Next System RESTART
spsnmpd_both = BOTH
dhcpsd = dhcpsd Subsystem
stdhcpsd = Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem
stdhcpsd_now = NOW
stdhcpsd_boot = Next System RESTART
stdhcpsd_both = BOTH
spdhcpsd = Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem
spdhcpsd_now = NOW
spdhcpsd_boot = Next System RESTART
spdhcpsd_both = BOTH
dhcpcd = dhcpcd Subsystem
stdhcpcd = Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem
stdhcpcd_now = NOW
stdhcpcd_boot = Next System RESTART
stdhcpcd_both = BOTH
spdhcpcd = Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem
spdhcpcd_now = NOW
spdhcpcd_boot = Next System RESTART
spdhcpcd_both = BOTH
dhcprd = dhcprd Subsystem
stdhcprd = Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem
stdhcprd_now = NOW
stdhcprd_boot = Next System RESTART
stdhcprd_both = BOTH
spdhcprd = Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem
spdhcprd_now = NOW
spdhcprd_boot = Next System RESTART
spdhcprd_both = BOTH
xntpd = xntpd Subsystem
stxntpd = Start Using the xntpd Subsystem
stxntpd_now = NOW
stxntpd_boot = Next System RESTART
stxntpd_both = BOTH
spxntpd = Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem
spxntpd_now = NOW
spxntpd_boot = Next System RESTART
spxntpd_both = BOTH
mrouted = mrouted Subsystem
stmrouted = Start Using the mrouted Subsystem
stmrouted_now = NOW
stmrouted_boot = Next System RESTART
stmrouted_both = BOTH
spmrouted = Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem
spmrouted_now = NOW
spmrouted_boot = Next System RESTART
spmrouted_both = BOTH
ruser_pty = PTYs
nameserver = Nameserver (information only)
arp = Arp Tables (information only)
print_server = Manage Print Server
tcpipen = TCP/IP
to_hostname = Hostname
NetStat = Static Routes
ineten = Network Interfaces
chifen = Network Interface Drivers
ifselecten = Network Interface Selection
lsineten = List All Network Interfaces
mkineten = Add a Network Interface
chen = Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface
rmen = Remove a Network Interface
to_clientnet = Client Network Services
ruser = Server Network Services
print_server = Manage Print Server
tcpiptr = TCP/IP
to_hostname = Hostname
NetStat = Static Routes
inettr = Network Interfaces
chiftr = Network Interface Drivers
ifselecttr = Network Interface Selection
lsinettr = List All Network Interfaces
mkinettr = Add a Network Interface
chtr = Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface
rmtr = Remove a Network Interface
to_clientnet = Client Network Services
ruser = Server Network Services
print_server = Manage Print Server
tcpipso = TCP/IP
to_hostname = Hostname
NetStat = Static Routes
inetso = Network Interfaces
chifso = Network Interface Drivers
ifselectso = Network Interface Selection
lsinetso = List All Network Interfaces
mkinetso = Add a Network Interface
chso = Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface
rmso = Remove a Network Interface
to_clientnet = Client Network Services
ruser = Server Network Services
print_server = Manage Print Server
setbootup_option = Select BSD style rc Configuration
start_tcpip = Start Configured TCPIP Daemons
stop_tcpip = Stop TCPIP Daemons
auth_config = Authentication Configuration
mkinet1fi = Add a FDDI Network Interface
tcpipfi = TCP/IP
to_hostname = Hostname
NetStat = Static Routes
inetfi = Network Interfaces
chiffi = Network Interface Drivers
ifselectfi = Network Interface Selection
lsinetfi = List All Network Interfaces
mkinetfi = Add a Network Interface
chfi = Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface
rmfi = Remove a Network Interface
to_clientnet = Client Network Services
ruser = Server Network Services
print_server = Manage Print Server
configtcp6 = IPV6 Configuration
route6 = IPV6 Static Routes
lsroute = List All Routes
mkroute6 = Add an IPV6 Static Route
rmroute6 = Remove an IPV6 Static Route
fshrttbl = Flush Routing Table
inet6 = IPV6 Network Interfaces
daemon6 = IPV6 Daemon/Process Configuration
auto6 = Autoconf6 Process
_stauto6 = Start Using the Autoconf6 Process
stopauto6 = Stop Using the Autoconf6 Process at Next System RESTART
stauto6_now = NOW
stauto6_boot = Next System RESTART
stauto6_both = BOTH Now and at System Restart
chauto6 = Change / Show Restart Characteristics of Autoconf6 Process
stndpd6 = Ndpd-host Subsystem
_stndpd6 = Start Using the Ndpd-host Subsystem
stndpd6_now = NOW
stndpd6_boot = Next System RESTART
stndpd6_both = BOTH Now and at System Restart
stndpdrtr6 = Ndpd-router Subsystem
_stndpdrtr6 = Start Using the Ndpd-router Subsystem
stndpdrtr_now = NOW
stndpdrtr_boot = Next System RESTART
stndpdrtr_both = BOTH Now and at System Restart
_stopauto6 = Stop Using the Autoconf6 Process at Next System RESTART
stopndpd6 = Stop Using the Ndpd-host Subsystem
stopndpd6_now = NOW
stopndpd6_boot = Next System RESTART
stopndpd6_both = BOTH Now and at System Restart
stopndpdrtr6 = Stop Using the Ndpd-router Subsystem
stopndpdrtr_now = NOW
stopndpdrtr_boot = Next System RESTART
stopndpdrtr_both = BOTH Now and at System Restart
lsinet = List All Network Interfaces
mkinet6 = Add an IPV6 Network Interface
mkinet6al = Add an IPV6 Network Alias
rminet6al = Remove an IPV6 Network Alias
mkinet1en6 = Add an IPV6 Standard Ethernet Network Interface
mkinet1et6 = Add an IPV6 IEEE 802.3 Network Interface
mkinet1tr6 = Add an IPV6 Token-Ring Network Interface
chinet6 = Change / Show Characteristics of an IPV6 Network Interface
rminet = Remove a Network Interface
mkinet1fi6 = Add an IPV6 FDDI Network Interface
inetdsubsys = inetd Subsystem
ctinet6 = Configure Tunnel Interface
addinet1ct6 = Add an IPV6 in IPV4 Tunnel Interface
inetalias = Configure Aliases
inetalias = Configure Aliases
mkinet4al = Add an IPV4 Network Alias
rminet4al = Remove an IPV4 Network Alias
auth_list = List Authentication Methods
auth_set = Set Authentication Methods
configqos = Quality of Service Configuration & Startup
startqos = Start Using the QoS Subsystem
stopqos = Stop Using the QoS Subsystem
startqos_now = NOW
startqos_boot = Next System RESTART
startqos_both = BOTH Now and at System Restart
stopqos_now = NOW
stopqos_boot = Next System RESTART
stopqos_both = BOTH Now and at System Restart
nfs_menus = NFS
manfs_to_nfs = Network File System (NFS)
nfs_menus = NFS
nfs_menus = NFS
nfs_menus = NFS
mkautomnt = Start Automounter
nfs_to_tcpip = Configure TCP/IP (If Not Already Configured)
tcpip = Configure TCP/IP (If Not Already Configured)
_nfs = Network File System (NFS)
nfsconfigure = Configure NFS on This System
mknfsexp = Add a Directory to Exports List
chnfsexp = Change / Show Attributes of an Exported Directory
rmnfsexp = Remove a Directory from Exports List
mknfsmnt = Add a File System for Mounting
chnfsmnt = Change / Show Attributes of an NFS File System
rmnfsmnt = Remove an NFS File System
mknfs = Start NFS
rmnfs = Stop NFS
chnfs = Change Number of nfsd & biod Daemons
mkautomnt = Start Automounter
rmautomnt = Stop Automounter
mknfs = Start NFS
mknfsmnt = Add a File System for Mounting
drawer = Drawer Configuration
lsdrw = List All Drawers
makdrw = Add a Drawer
rmvdrw = Remove a Drawer
diag = Hardware Diagnostics
diagcur = Current Shell Diagnostics\n\
diagshut = Maintenance Shell Diagnostics\n\
load64bit = Enable 64-bit Application Environment
run64now = Enable Now
restart64 = Enable/Disable at System Restart
rds = Removable Disk Management
lsmntdsk = List All Mounted File Systems on a Disk
umntdsk = Unmount File Systems on a Disk
removedsk = Remove a Disk from the Operating System
rmvdsk1 = Remove a Disk
opendoor = Open Door
exportvgrds = Remove a Disk with Data
reducevgrds = Remove a Disk without Data
netls_server = Manage AIX Floating User Licenses for this Server
install_float = Register Floating User Licenses
change_float = Change the Number of Installed Floating User Licenses
nim_client = Network Installation Management
nim_client = Network Installation Management
niminit = Configure Network Installation Management Client Fileset
nim_client_inst = Install and Update Software
nim_client_list = List Software on Media and Related Information
nim_perms = Manage Network Install Permissions
nim_c_mac_res = Manage Network Install Resource Allocation
nim_client_op = Perform a NIM Client Operation
nim_c_inst_latest = Install and Update from LATEST Available Software
nim_c_update_all = Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)
nim_c_inst_pkg = Install and Update Software by Package Name (includes
devices and printers)
nim_c_inst_bundle = Install Software Bundle (Easy Install)
nim_c_updt_by_fix = Update Software by Fix (APAR)
nim_c_inst_all = Install and Update from ALL Available Software
nim_c_bosinst = Reinstall the Base Operating System
nim_c_list_bundle = List Filesets in a Bundle
nim_c_list_sw = List Software on Installation Media
nim_c_list_fixes = List Software Fixes (APARs) on Installation Media
nim_c_list_info = List Supplemental Fileset Information on Installation Media

<출처 : >
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 [공지] 게시자료 열람자유. 불펌금지입니다. 조인상 2010.12.07 109381
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