원문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 // 시스템 엔지니어

Writer : http://www.ischo.net -- ischo // System Engineer in Replubic Of Korea



본문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 //시스템 엔지니어


MS 포럼에 나온 내용으로 요즘 네이버에서 검색해도 심심치 않게 발견할수 있음.
주로 IP변경할때 사용하는 dll파일로써 framedyn.dll 파일이 사용될때
"응용프로그램이 framedyn.dll 파일을 찾을수 없어 시작할 수 없습니다."  라는 메시지가 나오는데,
이를 해결하기 위한 방법이 아래 적혀있다.

대략 정리를 하자면
원인 : framedyn.dll 이 깨짐.
해결 : windows/system32/wbem  디렉토리에 framedyn.dll 파일이 깨졌으므로 복구하기 위해서
windows/system32/dllcache 디렉토리에서 해당파일을 찾아서 원상복구해줘라~~

라는 말씀. 그래도 안되면 path 변수를 손 볼 것.

--- 원문 ---
"Application Has Failed to Start Because Framedyn.dll Was Not Found" Error Message When You Open the System Properties Dialog Box
View products that this article applies to.
Article ID : 319114
Last Review : November 4, 2003
Revision : 1.0

This article was previously published under Q319114
On This Page
Replace the Framedyn.dll File
Verify System Variables
When you double-click System in Control Panel, or when you right-click My Computer and then click Properties, you may receive the following error message:
rundll32.exe - Unable To Locate Component

This application has failed to start because framedyn.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
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This behavior can occur if either of the following conditions is true: • The %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Wbem\framedyn.dll file is missing or damaged.

• The Windows Path environment variable does not point to the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Wbem folder.

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To resolve this issue, use both of the following methods.
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Replace the Framedyn.dll File
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type %systemroot%\system32\dllcache, and then click OK.
3. Right-click framedyn.dll, and then click Copy on the shortcut menu that appears.
4. Click Start, and then click Run.
5. In the Open box, type %systemroot%\system32\wbem, and then click OK.
6. On the Edit menu, click Paste. If you are prompted to replace the existing file, click Yes.

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Verify System Variables
1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu that appears. If you receive the following error message, click OK:
rundll32.exe - Unable To Locate Component

This application has failed to start because framedyn.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. 
2. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
3. Click Environment Variables.
4. Under System variables, click Path, and then click Edit.

NOTE: If no Path variable is listed, click New. In the Variable name box, type Path.
5. In the Variable value box, type the following:
6. Click OK three times (each time that you have the option).
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