홍보 담당자 자리가 혹시 충원 됐나요?

Did the job of advertisement get filled?

> Did the public relations position get filled yet?


아뇨, 여전히 누구에게나 기회가 있습니다.

No, Everyone has a chance yet.

> No, it's still up for grabs.


그럼 저도 지원해 볼까 합니다.

Then I'd like to join them.

> I think I'll apply for it then.


당신이라면 그 역할에 아주 적합할 거예요.

You would be the best person on that role.

> You'd be a great fit in that role.


감사합니다. 직원은 어떻게 지원할 수 있는지 아세요?

Thanks. Do you know how I could applied?

> Thanks. Any idea how staff can apply for it?


인사부장님게 곧바로 말씀드려야 한다고 들었어요.

I heard that you need to ask to the HR manager directly.

> I heard you should speak to the HR manager directly.


알겠습니다. 가급적 빨리 말씀드리는게 좋겠네요.

Well. I think I have got to ask him as soon as possible.

> Okay. I'd better talk to him ASAP.


행운을 빕니다. 그 자리를 얻으시길 바래요.

Good luck for you. I hope you get the job.

> Good luck. I hope you get the position.




번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 2023's resolution ischo 2023.01.07 24
공지 Alternatives to "Fine Thanks and you" and "Bye Bye" ischo 2022.11.02 27
공지 Expression that I want to remember ischo 2022.08.11 30
133 2022.01.16 - I did some online shopping and I got ripped off. ischo 2022.01.16 3
132 2022.01.13 - He gave it a thumps up. ischo 2022.01.13 5
131 2022.01.11 - are you familiar with the Bellwood neghborhood? ischo 2022.01.11 7
130 2022.01.10 - I'm going to pop the question to Mandy tonight. ischo 2022.01.10 6
129 2022.01.09 - Where do you use those disposable tissues? ischo 2022.01.09 5
128 2022.01.08 - ischo 2022.01.08 6
127 2021.01.07 - Better safe than sorry. ischo 2022.01.07 4
126 2021.01.06 - Tell me about it ischo 2022.01.06 3
125 2021.01.03 - You can spill the beans to me ischo 2022.01.03 7
124 2022.01.02 - I knew for the first time. ischo 2022.01.02 5
123 2021.12.29 - I'm going to give him a piece of my mind! ischo 2021.12.29 3
122 2021.12.27 - It keeps me on the ball. ischo 2021.12.27 5
121 2021.12.23 - He should stop by in around 15 minutes. ischo 2021.12.23 5
120 2021.12.22 - He flew off the handle about it. ischo 2021.12.22 5
119 2021.12.20 - It's a recipe for disaster. ischo 2021.12.20 3
118 2021.12.16 - It costs next to nothing. ischo 2021.12.16 5
117 2021.12.14 - How can you say that with a straight face? ischo 2021.12.14 12
116 2021.12.06 - That's the pot calling the kettle black! ischo 2021.12.06 6
115 2011.11.28 - Nature is calling now. ischo 2021.11.28 6
114 2021.11.24 - Sorry to rain on your parade, but it's canceled. ischo 2021.11.24 3

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