1. MP에 IP설정시 telnet 접속가능 - MP LAN 포트에 연결
2. MP 시리얼 포트에 직접 연결
(c)Copyright 2000 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Rights Reserved.
Welcome to
Superdome's Management Processor
Utility Subsystem FW Revision Level: 14.22
CO: Consoles
VFP: Virtual Front Panel
CM: Command Menu
CL: Console Logs
SL: Show Event Logs
FW: Firmware Update
HE: Help
X: Exit Connection
메뉴 설명
CO: Consoles : MP모드에서 console모드로 접속
VFP: Virtual Front Panel : 전면 패널 상태를 확인 (시스템부팅 과정 확인가능)
CM: Command Menu : Command Mode
CL: Console Logs : Console Log 확인
SL: Show Event Logs : Event Log 확인
FW: Firmware Update : 펌웨어 업데이트
HE: Help : 명령어 리스트 확인
X: Exit Connection : 뛰쳐나가기
MP> co => MP모드에서 console모드로 접속.
다중 파티션 환경이라면 파티션 목록이 나오고 접속할 파티션을 선택할 수 있음.
Ctrl + b를 눌러 MP모드로 다시 갈수 있다.
MP> vfp => partition별로 시스템 부팅과정이나 전면 패널 상태를 확인할 수 있다.
Entering Virtual Front Panel
Select terminal type:
[1] hpterm, 70092, 70094, 2392
2 vt100, vt220, ansii, xterm
Welcome to the Virtual Front Panel (VFP).
Use ^B to exit.
MP> cm => Command Mode (CM)으로 간다.
Enter HE to get a list of available commands
(Use ^B to return to main menu.)
* CM모드에서 할 수 있는 명령어
MP:CM> he => 명령어 리스트 확인
Management Processor (MP) - FW Revision 14.22, Dec 9 2003 at 15:00:01
Utility Subsystem FW Revision Level: 14.22
The following are the service commands that are available
BO : Boot a partition.
DF : Display FRU information of an Entity.
MA : Return to the Main menu.
MR : Modem Reset
PCIOLAD : Activate/Deactivate a PCI card.
PE : Power entities on or off.
RE : Reset entity.
RR : Reset a partition for reconfiguration.
RS : Reset a partition.
TC : Send a TOC signal to a partition.
TE : Broadcast a message to all users of the MP Command Handler.
VM : Margin the voltage in a cabinet
WHO : Display a list of MP connected users
CP : Display partition cell assignments
HE : Display the list of available commands
IO : Display IO chassis/cell connectivity
LS : Display LAN connected console status
MS : Display the status of the Modem
PS : Display detailed power and hardware configuration status.
SYSREV : Display revisions of all firmware entities in the complex.
CA : Configure Asynchronous and Modem parameters
CC : Initiate a Complex Configuration
CP : Display partition cell assignments
DATE : Set the time and date
DC : Reset parameters to default configuration
DI : Disconnect Remote or LAN Console
ID : Change certain stable complex configuration profile fields
IO : Display IO chassis/cell connectivity
IT : Modify command interface inactivity timeout
LC : Configure LAN connections
LS : Display LAN connected console status
PARPERM : Enable/Disable Partition Reconfiguration
PD : Modify default Partition for this login session.
RL : Rekey Complex Profile Lock
SA : Display and Set MP Remote Access
SO : Configure Security Options and Access Control
XD : MP Diagnostics and Reset
MP:CM> ps => power및 hw구성상태 확인
This command displays detailed power and hardware configuration status.
The following MP bus devices were found:
| | | | | Core IOs |
| | | | | IO Bay | IO Bay | IO Bay | IO Bay |
| | | UGUY | Cells | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
|Cab.| | | |IO Chas.|IO Chas.|IO Chas.|IO Chas.|
| # | MP | CLU | PM |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |0 1 2 3 |0 1 2 3 |0 1 2 3 |0 1 2 3 |
| 0 | * | * | * |* * * * * * * | * * | * * | | |
You may display detailed power and hardware status for the following items:
B - Cabinet (UGUY)
C - Cell
G - MP
I - Core IO
Select Device: b
Enter cabinet number: 0 => 0번 cabinet선택
HW status for SD32A compute cabinet #0: NO FAILURE DETECTED
Power switch: on; Power: enabled, good; Door: closed
Fan speed: normal; Temperature state: normal
Redundancy state: fans and blowers redundant, BPSs redundant
| Main BP| | IO Backplanes |
| Power | | IO Bay 0 | IO Bay 1 |
| Main | Boards | Cells | Chassis | Chassis |
| BP | 0 1 2 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 0 1 2 3 | 0 1 2 3 |
Populated | * | * * * | * * * * * * * | * * | * * |
Power Enabled | * | * * * | * * * * * * * | * * | * * |
Powered On | * | * * * | * * * * * * * | * * | * * | => power on상태이면 정상
Power Fault | | | | | | => fault에 표시없으면 정상
Attention LED | | | | | |
| Cabinet | IO |
| BPS | Blowers | Fans |
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 | 0 1 2 3 | 0 1 2 3 4 |
Populated | * * * * * * | * * * * | * * * * * |
Failed | | | | => 표시가 없으면 정상
-- Press <CR> to continue, or 'Q' to Quit --
Voltage margin: nominal; Clock margin: nominal
CLU Status PM Status CLU POST
UGUY LEDs: ***_____ **** ____
| Parity | Connected | Location |
Flex connections | Connected | error | to cabinet | (Upper/Lower) |
XBC [7-0] | NYNYNYNY | NNNNNNNN | 00000000 | N/A |
RC [7-0] | NNNNNNNN | NNNNNNNN | 00000000 | LLLLLLLL |
PM firmware rev 14.6, time stamp: TUE SEP 30 12:18:17 2003
CLU firmware rev 14.4, time stamp: WED JUL 09 14:57:57 2003
MP:CM> ps
This command displays detailed power and hardware configuration status.
The following MP bus devices were found:
| | | | | Core IOs |
| | | | | IO Bay | IO Bay | IO Bay | IO Bay |
| | | UGUY | Cells | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
|Cab.| | | |IO Chas.|IO Chas.|IO Chas.|IO Chas.|
| # | MP | CLU | PM |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |0 1 2 3 |0 1 2 3 |0 1 2 3 |0 1 2 3 |
| 0 | * | * | * |* * * * * * * | * * | * * | | |
You may display detailed power and hardware status for the following items:
B - Cabinet (UGUY)
C - Cell
G - MP
I - Core IO
Select Device: c => cellboard별 status확인
Enter cabinet number: 0
Enter slot number: 0
HW status for Cell 0 in cabinet 0: NO FAILURE DETECTED
Cell power Status: enabled, good, no fault, NVRAM battery good
Boot is NOT blocked; PDH shared memory is Initialized
Cell Attention LED is off, PDH status LEDs: _***
Cell enabled by PDHC
Core cell is cabinet 0, cell 0
RIO cable status: connected
RIO cable connection physical location: cabinet 0, IO bay 1, IO chassis 3
| CPU Modules | |Cell Power Board |
| | | Cell Board |Converter Faults |
|Populated| Faulted | Power Converter Faults | MEM | JAB | IB |
| 0 1 2 3 | 0 1 2 3 |CLK|L2C|LNK|CORE|FSB|48V|0 1 2| 0 1 |0 1 2|
| * * * * | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Side: | A | B |
| DIMM Presence | Echlon: |0123456789ABCDEF|0123456789ABCDEF|
| | |*****___________|*****___________|
Cell Compatibility: Complex - B, Partition - C; CPU Compatibility: C
PA System firmware rev 20.8
MP:CM> sysrev => system firmware level 확인
Utility Subsystem FW Revision Level: 14.22
| Cabinet #0 |
Cell (slot 0) | 20.8 | 14.18 |
Cell (slot 1) | 20.8 | 14.18 |
Cell (slot 2) | 20.8 | 14.18 |
Cell (slot 3) | 20.8 | 14.18 |
Cell (slot 4) | 20.8 | 14.18 |
Cell (slot 5) | 20.8 | 14.18 |
Cell (slot 6) | 20.8 | 14.18 |
Cell (slot 7) | | |
| |
MP | 14.22 |
ED | 2.2 |
CLU | 14.4 |
PM | 14.6 |
CIO (bay 0, chassis 1) | 14.4 |
CIO (bay 0, chassis 3) | 14.4 |
CIO (bay 1, chassis 1) | 14.4 |
CIO (bay 1, chassis 3) | 14.4 |
MP:CM> pe => 시스템 cabinet / cell / IO chassis단위로 power on/off
This command controls power enable to a hardware device.
B - Cabinet
C - Cell
I - IO Chassis
Select Device: b
Enter cabinet number: 0 => 0번 cabinet선택
The power state is ON for Cabinet 0.
In what state do you want the power? (ON/OFF) q => off하면 0번 cabinet power off. q는 취소
MP:CM> io => Chassis 연결 상태 확인io chassis (io cardcage)와 cellboard간의 연결상태 확인명령어, cab-bay-chassis 순서로 확인된다.
이 번호는 전,후면 EMI panel 그림에서 확인 가능.
Cabinet | 0 | 1 |
Slot |01234567|01234567|
Cell |XXXXXXX.|........|
IO Cab |000.0...|........|
IO Bay |101.0...|........|
IO Chas |311.3...|........|
MP:CM> ls => GSP LAN 구성 확인. customer LAN console및 private LAN console의 구성상태를 확인
Current configuration of MP customer LAN interface
MAC address : 00:30:6e:f3:23:c1
IP address : 0xac000001
Name : AP (Flash : AP)
Subnet mask : 0xffffff00
Gateway : 0xac000003
Status : UP and RUNNING
Current configuration of MP private LAN interface
MAC address : 00:a0:f0:00:f5:4b
IP address : 0xac000001
Name : DB
Subnet mask : 0xffffff00
Gateway : 0xac000001
Status : UP and RUNNING
MP:CM> who => lan console접근 사용자 검색
User Login Port Name IP Address
Admin LAN 172. 0. 0. 2
MP:CM> cp => partition별로 할당된 cellboard 확인
Cabinet | 0 | 1 |
Slot |01234567|01234567|
Partition 0 |XX.X.XX.|........|
Partition 1 |..X.X...|........|
MP:CM> date => MP 모드의 시간설정
This command sets the date and time on the MP.
Current date is: 01/01/09
Do you want to modify it? (Y/[N]) q
MP:CM> tc => partition상에 hang같은 문제가 발생시 OS 강제 dump를 받기위해 TOC할 때
This command TOCs the selected partition.
WARNING: Execution of this command irrecoverably halts all system
processing and I/O activity and restarts the selected
# Name
--- ----
0) AP
1) DB
Select a partition number: q => 해당 partition을 지정. 취소시 q.
MP:CM> rs => partition을 hard reset할 때 사용
This command resets the selected partition.
WARNING: Execution of this command irrecoverably halts all system
processing and I/O activity and restarts the selected
# Name
--- ----
0) AP
1) DB
Select a partition number: q => partition number 지정. 취소시 q.
MP> cl => console log확인 (console에서 작업했던 내용 trace시 필요)
lume groups and Activating (if any exist)
Volume group "/dev/vg00" has been successfully changed.
Activated volume group
Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully changed.
Activated volume group
(F)irst, (L)ast, (N)ext or <cr>, (P)revious, ^B to exit to menu
MP> sl => 시스템상에 발생된 HW chassis log을 볼 때 사용
FPL: Forward Progress Log
SEL: System Event Log
LIVE: Live Events
CLR: Clear FPL and SEL
Q: Quit
MP:VW> sel => System Event Log
Welcome to the SEL (System Event Log) Viewer
The following SEL navigation commands are available:
D: Dump log starting at current block for capture and analysis
F: Display first (oldest) block
L: Display last (newest) block
J: Jump to specified entry and display previous block
+: Display next (forward in time) block
-: Display previous (backward in time) block
<cr>: Repeat previous +/- command
<sp>: Repeat previous +/- command
?: Display help
^B: Exit viewer
The following event format options are available:
K: Keyword
R: Raw hex
T: Text
The following event filter options are available:
A: Alert level
C: Cell
U: Unfiltered
MP:VWR (<cr>,<sp>,+,-,?,F,L,J,D,K,R,T,A,C,U,^B) >
19847 SFW 0,4,0 2 4b000f6240e000ca 01000000418ecb21 FABRIC_XIN_TRY_LINK_INIT
19847 11/08/2004 01:25:53
19846 SFW 0,2,0 2 4b000f6220e000c9 01000000418ecb1b FABRIC_XIN_TRY_LINK_INIT
19846 11/08/2004 01:25:47
19845 SFW 0,4,5 2 578003dd45e000c7 0000000000000003 ERR_TOC_TASK
19845 11/08/2004 01:23:27
MP:VWR (<cr>,<sp>,+,-,?,F,L,J,D,K,R,T,A,C,U,^B) >
MP> x => MP 뛰쳐나가기
잘받아갑니다. 업무에 유용하게 쓰겠습니다.감사합니다