원문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 // 시스템 엔지니어

Writer : http://www.ischo.net -- ischo // System Engineer in Replubic Of Korea



원문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 //시스템 엔지니어




Any user can execute top and Glance.

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  • How Much Swap Do I need?

    The amount of swap, added to the amount of memory available, defines the virtual memory available for processes. The minimum recommendation is twice as much swap space as physical memory. Keep in mind, this is an "old" formula. If you have two, three, four or many more gigabytes of physical memory, this would result in way too much swap space. Granted, there are the pathological cases that would require you to have eight to ten gigabytes of swap with, say, four gigabytes of physical memory. If you try to execute a process that would exceed the amount of available memory plus available swap, you will get a "out of memory" message. If you configure more swap than you will ever need, you are wasting disk space. The correct swap size will vary considerably depending on the size and number of application(s) run on a system.

    The correct swap size can be determined by monitoring swap usage while working with real data. This could be done either with the swapinfo command or using a tool like HP's GlancePlus. GlancePlus allows you to monitor system resources on a per process basis and will display the high water mark (since you started glance). You would configure a system with more swap space than you expect to need, then run GlancePlus while running an application(s). By monitoring the high water mark, you can determine the maximum swap space used and adjust the swap size accordingly. Obviously, if you experience out of memory errors, swap size is too small.

    There are many systems with less swap space than physical memory. This is perfectly fine. The person who specified the system probably recommended all that memory so that they would not have to swap! We have seen systems with with swap space equal to 50% that of physical memory. Just be sure to have swapmem_on EQUAL TO 1!!

    NOTE: For best performance, swap space should be distributed evenly across all disks configured with swap, at the same priority .

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  • Configuring Swap Space

    As previously mentioned, device swap is preferred over file system swap to achieve the best performance. The ideal swap configuration is device swap spread across multiple identical disks. Each quantity of swap space being equal in size. Once this is done, assign each space the same priority. This implies interleaving. This means that if your system starts to page, the paging requests will be "round robin'd" among the swap spaces. This is how you would want your system to page, should it run out of memory. If possible, it is even better to place the disks containing the swap space on separate cards/controllers. This eliminates the controller as a "single point of bottleneck".

    SAM is one method for adding and configuring swap space. Swap configuration is under the Disks and File System area of SAM. For more information on configuring swap, please see the on-line Help section within SAM's Swap Configuration. If you wish to use the swapon command, review the man page, swapon(2).

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  • HP-UX Kernel Configuration

    This section explains HP-UX configurable kernel parameters that affect system capacity and/or performance. Most of this section is common for HP-UX 9.X and HP-UX 10.X. Specific differences are noted.

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    1. Configuring Kernel Parameters in 9.X

      In HP-UX 9.X we recommend manual kernel configuration. All work related to creating a new kernel in 9.X takes place in the /etc/conf directory. Follow these steps:

      NOTE: For more information on manual kernel configuration, please see the HP-UX System Administration "Systems Administration Tasks" book.

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    2. Configuring Kernel Parameters in 10.X

      In HP-UX 10.X we recommend modifying the kernel parameters SAM allows, and then manually modifying the hpux_aes_overide parameter. The hpux_aes_override kernel parameter is the only recommended parameter that must be modified manually. We recommend using SAM for the other parameters to take advantage of its built-in kernel parameter rule check function.

      NOTE: Apply patch PHCO_11647 if you use this parameter on HP-UX 10.X. Failure to do so can cause some "apparent" corruption in parts of the file system where trasnition links occur.

      To configure a kernel manually, you must be super-user. All work related to creating a new kernel in 10.X takes place in the /stand/build directory. Follow these steps:

      NOTE: For more information on manual kernel configuration, please see the HP-UX 10.X System Administration "Systems Administration Tasks" Book. .

      To configure the remaining kernel parameters with SAM, follow these steps:

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    3. Configurable Parameters

      HP-UX configurable kernel parameters limit the size of the text, data, and stack segments for each individual process. These parameters have pre-defined defaults, but can be reconfigured in the kernel. Some may need to be adjusted when swap space is increased. This is discussed in more detail in the section on configuring the HP-UX kernel.

  • HP-UX Kernel Tuning and Performance Guide

    Getting The Best Performance
    From Your Hewlett-Packard Systems
    Version 3.1
    Revision Date: March 15, 2000

    Author: Stephen Ciullo


    1. Introduction
    2. Hardware Considerations
    3. CPU
    4. Memory
      1. Physical Memory
      2. Physical Memory and Performance
        1. Where is the Memory Going?
        2. Determining Memory Requirements
      3. Memory Management
      4. Virtual Address Space
    5. Disk
      1. To Improve Disk I/O Performance
      2. File Systems
      3. Logical Volume Manager
      4. Secondary Storage
      5. Swap
        1. How Much Swap Do I Have?
        2. How Much Swap Do I Need?
        3. Configuring Swap Space
    6. HP-UX Kernel Configuration
      1. Configuring Kernel Parameters in 9.X
      2. Configuring Kernel Parameters in 10.X
      3. Configurable Parameters
      4. Kernel Parameters
        1. bufpages
        2. create_fastlinks
        3. dbc_max_pct
        4. fs_async
        5. hpux_aes_override
        6. maxdsiz
        7. maxfiles
        8. maxfiles_lim
        9. maxssiz
        10. maxswapchunks
        11. maxtsiz
        12. maxuprc
        13. maxusers
        14. netmemmax
        15. nfile
        16. ninode
        17. nproc
        18. npty
      5. Kernel Parameter Recommendations
    7. Networks
      1. NFS
    8. Patches
      1. How to get patches
      2. How to tell what patches are loaded
      3. How to load patches
      4. Patch Management
    9. Performance and the PATH variable
      1. The PATH Variable
    10. HP-UX 11.0
      1. Points of Interest
      2. lotsfree, desfree and minfree
      3. Text, Data and Shared Objects Maximum Values
      4. EXEC_MAGIC
      5. The New Parameters for Text, Data and Stack
      6. Variable Size Pages
      7. Memory Windows
      8. Spinlock Pool Parameters

    1. Introduction

      This document describes how a HP-UX kernel is tuned and configured. The intent is to provide customers, developers, application designers, and HP's technical consultants the information necessary to optimize performance of existing configurations and to make intelligent decisions when running applications on HP-UX. This is not a manual and we do not go into the specific reasons for many of the recommendations contained herein.

    2. Hardware Considerations

      There are five key hardware areas that directly affect the performance you will obtain from your application: CPU, Memory, Disk, Graphics, and Network. It is not a wise choice to buy the fastest CPU and configure it with insufficient memory.

      There are many things to consider when you are choosing the hardware for your system. The compute needs may vary from the very simple to the incredibly complex. The best way to select the appropriate hardware is to try to answer the following questions:

  • sam
  • requires root
  • /etc/swapinfo -t
  • HP-UX 9.X systems - requires root
  • /usr/sbin/swapinfo -t
  • HP-UX 10.X systems - requires root
    Sets number of buffer pages
    Store symbolic link data in the inode
    Sets asynchronous write to disk
    Controls directory creation on automounted disk drives
    Limits the size of the data segment.
    Limits the soft file limit per process
    Limits the hard file limit per processes
    Limits the size of the stack segment.
    Limits the maximum number of swap chunks
    Limits the size of the text (code) segment.
    Limits the maximum number of user processes
    Sets the network dynamic memory limit
    Limits the maximum number of "opens" in the system
    Limits the maximum number of open inodes in memory
    Limits the maximum number of concurrent processes
    Sets the maximum number of pseudo ttys

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  • Kernel Parameters

    1. bufpages
      Bufpages specifies how many 4096-byte memory pages are allocated for the file system buffer cache. These buffers are used for all file system I/O operations, as well as all other block I/O operations. Bufpages meant much more prior to having dynamic buffer cache (9.X on workstations, 10.X on servers). dbc_min_pct and dbc_max_pct are the appropriate parameters to use now.

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      In HP-UX 10.X, it is recommended this kernel parameter be set to 0. This will enable dynamic buffer cache.

    2. create_fastlinks
      When equal to '1', this tells the kernel to store the path name of the "linked-to" file in the inode, rather than in a data block. This reduces disk space usage and eliminates a disk I/O to retrieve the name. By default, this feature is disabled for backward compatibility. We recommend all systems have create_fastlinks enabled by setting this kernel parameter to 1.

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    3. dbc_max_pct
      This parameter determines the percentage of main memory to which buffer cache is allowed to grow. When performing a large amount of block I/O, the system will "grow" the buffer cache to this maximum size. If the system begins to feel pressure due to process space memory requirements, the kernel will shrink buffer cache. The problem arises when there is stress due to process space requirements, and, there is block I/O pressure. The system tries to reclaim buffer cache pages to allocate them to running processes. But the system is also trying to allocate as much buffer cache as it can, causing a vicious cycle of allocating and deallocating memory between buffer cache and process memory space, creating a large amount of overhead. There is a good chance that your system is paging at this point, which is causing even more overhead.

      The idea then, is to keep this number reasonably low, allowing you to have cache space but also keep the application space large enough to avoid high levels of conflict between them. The default value is 50%, but we recommend 25% to start. We have seen systems that need buffer cache to have a max of as little as 5%, with a min at 2%. We have also seen systems that require 80 to 90% buffer cache. You need to determine if your system is going to be used for applications performing large amounts of block I/O, or very little I/O but large (or many) processes, or both. If the answer is "both", you will need an enormous amount of physical memory.

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    4. fs_async
      This kernel parameter controls the manner in which writes of file system meta structures are performed. Asynchronous writes to disk can improve file system I/O performance significantly. However, synchronous writes to disk make it easier to restore file system integrity if a system crash occurs while file system meta structures are being updated. Depending on the application, you will need to decide which is more important.You may value file system integrity more than I/O speed. If so, fs_async should be set to 0.

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    5. hpux_aes_override
      This value is part of the OSF/AES compliance. It controls directory creation on automounted disk drives. We recommend hpux_aes_override be set to 1. If this value is not set, you may see the following error message:

      mkdir: cannot create /design/ram: Read-only file system.

      This system parameter cannot be set using SAM. The kernel must be manually created. It is best to modify the other parameters with SAM first and then change this parameter second, otherwise SAM will override your 'unsupported' value with the default.

      NOTE: Apply patch PHCO_11647 if you use this parameter on HP-UX 10.X. Failure to do so can cause some "apparent" corruption in parts of the file system where trasnition links occur.

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    6. maxdsiz
      Maxdsiz defines the maximum size of the data segment of a process. The default value of 64 MB is too small for most applications. We recommend this value be set to the maximum value of 1.9Gb. If maxdsiz is exceeded, the process will be terminated, usually with a SIGSEGV (segmentation violation) and you will probably see the following message:

      Memory fault(coredump)

      In this case, review the values of maxdsiz, maxssiz and maxtsiz. For more information on these parameters, please see the on-line Help section within SAM's Kernel Configuration. If you need to exceed the specified maximum of 1.9Gb, there are a couple of ways (yet to be supported) to do so. Contact your Hewlett Packard technical consultant for the details. It is important to note that the maxdsiz parameter must be modified in order for these procedures to work. Maxdsiz will need to be set to 2.75Gb or 3.6Gb depending on the method chosen and/or size required. It will also require a manual creation of a new kernel.

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    7. maxfiles
      This sets the soft limit for the number of files a process is allowed to have open. We recommend this value be set to 200.

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    8. maxfiles_lim
      This sets the hard limit for number of files a process is allowed to have open. The default for this kernel parameter, and our recommendation, is 2048.

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    9. maxssiz
      Maxssiz defines the maximum size of the stack of a process. The default value is 8Mb. We recommend this value be set to a value of 79 Mb.

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    10. maxswapchunks
      This (in conjunction with some other parameters) sets the maximum amount of swap space configurable on the system. Maxswapchunks should be set to support sufficient swap space to accommodate all swap anticipated. Also remember, swap space, once configured, is made available for paging (at boot) by specifying it in the file /etc/fstab (/etc/checklist on 9.X). The maximum swap space limit calculated in bytes is: (maxswapchunks * swchunk * DEV_BSIZE). We recommend this parameter be set to 4096.

      NOTE: Never modify the kernel parameter, swchunk.

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    11. maxtsiz
      Maxtsiz defines the maximum size of the text segment of a process. We recommend 1024 MB.

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    12. maxuprc
      This determines the number of concurrent processes that a user can run. A user is identified by the user ID number. Maxuprc is used to keep a single user from monopolizing system resources. If maxuprc is too low, the system issues the following error message to the user when attempting to invoke too many processes:

      no more processes

      We recommend maxuprc be set to 200.

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    13. maxusers
      This kernel parameter is used in various algorithms and formulae throughout the kernel. It is used to limit system resource allocation and not the actual number of users on the system. It is also used to define some system table sizes. The default values of nproc, ncallout, ninode and nfile are defined in terms of maxusers. We are recommend fixed values for nproc, ninode and nfile. Set maxusers to 124.

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    14. netmemmax
      This specifies how much memory can be used for holding partial internet-protocol(IP) messages in memory. They are typically held in memory for up to 30 seconds. The default of 0 allows up to 10% of total memory to be used for IP level reassembly of packet fragments. Values for netmemmax are specified as follows:

      Value Description
      -1 No limit, 100% of memory is available for IP packet reassembly.
      0 netmemmax limit is 10% of real memory.
      >0 Specifies that X bytes of memory can be be used for IP packet reassembly.
      The minimum is 200 Kb and the value is rounded up to the next multiple of pages
      (4096 bytes).

      If system network performance is poor, it might be because the system is dropping fragments due to insufficient memory for the fragmentation queue. Setting this parameter to -1 will improve network performance, but, at the risk of leaving less memory available for processes. We recommend it be set to -1 for systems acting as data servers only. For all other systems, we recommend a setting of 0.

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    15. nfile
      Nfile sizes the system file table. It contains entries in it for each instance of an open of a file. Therefore, it restricts the total number of concurrent "opens" on your system. We suggest that you set this at 2800. This parameter defaults to ((16 * (nproc + 16 + maxusers) / 10 ) + 32 + 2 * npty). If a process attempts to open one more (than nfile) file, the following message will appear on the console:

      file: table is full

      When this happens, running processes may fail because they cannot open files, and no new processes can be started.

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    16. ninode
      Ninode sizes the in-core inode table, also called the inode cache. For performance, the most recently accessed inodes are kept in memory. Each open file has an inode in the table. An entry is made in the table for each "login directory", each "current directory", each mount point directory, etc. It is recommended that ninode be set to 15,000.

      NOTE: On a multi-processor system running HP-UX 10-20, ninode should NOT exceed 4000. This is due to a spinlock contention problem that is fixed in 11.0.

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    17. nproc
      Nproc sizes the process table. It restricts the total number of concurrent processes in the system. When some person/process attempts to start one more (than nproc) process, the system issues these messages:

      at console window : proc: table is full
      at user shell window: no more processes

      Set nproc to 1024.

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    18. npty
      This parameter limits the number of pty data structures that can be opened. These are used by network programs like rlogin, telnet, xterm, etc. We recommend this parameter be set to 512.

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  • Kernel Parameter Recommendations

    The following are the suggested kernel parameter values.

    # Parameter Value

    bufpages 0 # on HP-UX 10.X
    create_fastlinks 1
    dbc_max_pct 25
    fs_async 1
    maxdsiz 2063806464
    maxfiles 200
    maxfiles_lim 2048
    maxssiz (80*1024*1024)
    maxswapchunks 4096
    maxtsiz (1024*1024*1024)
    maxuprc 200
    maxusers 124
    netmemmax 0 # on desktop systems

    -1 # on data servers
    nfile 2800
    ninode 15000 # 4000 on HP-UX 10.20 multi-processor systems
    nproc 1024
    npty 512
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  • Networks

    In today's networked environments, many installations are client/server configurations. Therefore, network configuration is critical to overall performance and throughput. One HP workstation can almost saturate a single ethernet wire with heavy traffic. See the section labeled Networking later in this document for tuning and configuration guidelines.

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    1. NFS

      Network configuration will also have an impact on performance. Virtually all installations use some form of local area network to facilitate sharing of data files and to simplify system management. Most installations use NFS to mount remote file systems. This imposes a performance penalty, however, because the I/O bandwidth for accessing data on an NFS mounted disk is less than that for a directly connected disk. There are a few system configuration recommendations that can be made to maximize the convenience that NFS and the local area network provide while minimizing the performance penalty.

      Make sure that ninode is at least 15000 on HP-UX 10.X. Remember to not go above 4000 on an HP-UX 10.20 system with multi-processors, as previously stated. Some customers have seen performance degradation on Multi Processor systems when ninode is greater 4000. Check it on your system. The details of this problem are much too detailed and complicated for this document.

      NFS file systems should be exported with the async option in /etc/exports.

      Some items that can be investigated...

      nfsd invocations

      • nfsstat -s

      UDP buffer size

      • netstat -an | grep -e Proto -e 2049

      How often the UDP buffer overflows / UDP Socket buffer overflows

      • netstat -s | grep overflow

      NFS timeouts...are they a result of packet loss? Do they correlate to errors reported by the links? Use lanadmin() or netstat -i to check this.

      IP fragment reassembly timeouts?

      • netstat -p ip

      mounting through routers?

      • check to see if routers are dropping packets

      check for transport bad checksums

      • netstat -s

      is server dropping requests as duplicates?

      • nfsstat

      is client getting duplicate replies? (badxid)

      • nfsstat on CLIENT

      Some customers have mentioned that they have had serious problems because of too many levels of hierarchy within the netgroup file. It seems that this file is re-read many times, and the more hierarchy, the longer it takes to read.

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  • Patches

    Since patch numbers change frequently, it is recommended that you always check for the latest information. Here are some general recommendations:

    1. How to get patches. If you have WWW access go to http://us-support.external.hp.com, and follow the links to the patch list. This is also a good way to browse the latest patch list. You can also get patches by e-mail. If you know what the name of the patch you want is, send a message to support@support.mayfield.hp.com, with the text "send patchname". Don't forget to substitute the name of the patch you want for "patchname". You can get a current list by sending the text "send patchlist". To get a complete guide on using the mail server, send the text "send guide". If you have HP SupportLine access, then patches can be requested from the HP SupportLine at (800)633-3600, and are also available for FTP access.

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    2. How to tell what patches are loaded. First scan the directory /etc/filesets (9.x) systems, or use the swlist command (10.x). Patches are named PHxx_nnnn, where xx can be KL, NE, CO, or SS. nnnn refers to the patch number, which is always unique no matter what PHxx category is specified. If a patch has been loaded on a 9.x system, a file will exist in /etc/filesets, with the same name as the patch. If a patch has been loaded on a 10.x system, the patch should be listed in the output of swlist.

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    3. How to load patches. Patches are shipped as shell archives, named after the patch. Unpack the shell archive, check the README file and follow the directions.

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    4. Patch management. Patch management can be a fulltime job for a large site. HP recommends that large sites that don't want to tackle that particular task purchase the PSS support option. This service provides a consultant who, among other things, provides patch management. It's well worth the money.

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  • Performance and the PATH Variable

    1. The PATH Variable

      This is one of the most abused areas that causes performance problems. PATH variables that are way too long AND the positioning of the directory that contains the most frequently used tools (by the application), at the end. Try to limit your PATH statement to the paths that are most useful to your primary application. Consider writing startup scripts (wrappers) for the lesser used applications. In these wrappers, you may embed additional PATH statements to meet the needs of the application.

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  • HP-UX 11.0

    As of this revision, I feel it is "early in the game" to detail everything for 11.0. I do think it is appropriate to discuss various aspects of 11.0, specifically those that seem to be problematic.

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    1. Points of Interest

      "FALSE" DEACTIVATIONS. There is an issue regarding process deactivations when there seems to be NO paging. The following is the description and patch and recommended work around AS OF THIS DATE (MARCH 17, 2000).

      This applies to BOTH 10.X and 11.X versions of HP-UX.

      When there are memory mapped files, the writes show up as pageouts to disk, even though there really is NO MEMORY PRESSURE. Part of the problem is/are the kernel NFS routines. If the pageout rate is anything but zero, there is a change in the logic that assumes (incorrectly) that we are under memory pressure. It causes a process to fire up and start purging buffer cache pages. This causes a performance degradation, especially if the system has a large buffer cache.

      Patch PHKL_17869 added a new counter in the kernel, k_pageout_count, used by thrashing logic to see if we are under memory pressure. This "corrects" the deactivation issues...BUT...the macro (in bcache.h) that NFS relies upon to determine if we are under memory pressure was NOT changed...it still uses the "old" counter for pageout count. It reflects cumulative pageouts including memory mapped I/O files.

      Anything that references the old counter is getting a skewed view of whether we're under memory pressure or not. Because NFS thinks that we're under pressure, it tries to "re-use" a bunch of internal kernel structures. The overhead and bookeeping to do this is causing performance problems. It REALLY should use the new counter.

      Typically (until the kernel can be modified), the way to get around the problem...reduce the size of buffer cache. This is actually what the response center will recommend to any customer that appears to be suffering from this exact problem.

      FALSE SENSE OF PAGING. There is a situation apparent (seemingly) on 11.X systems only, where the system appears to paging when there is absolutely no memory pressure. I have seen systems with as much as 3 or 4GB free and pageouts to disk are occurring. The issue is with applications that are performing operations on memory mapped files. It seems that memory mapped writes are causing this pageout activity. As of this date (March 15, 2000), I have yet to find/get an explanation of why this happens.

      This is not pageout in the sense that the system is under memory pressure. I am currently working on an explanation. Once the "mystery" :-) is solved, it should be apparent whether it is the kernel that should be modified...or the tools that are reporting the paging activity.


      The following paragraph was written in June 1999. It may be obsolete information now, but I wanted to keep it in the paper. You may want to check for a patch, and if it exists, check for installation and/or install it.

      As of this writing, there is a problem that causes the system to crash. Currently, there is no patch for it, but, there is a work-around. Until patched, you must make sure that the kernel parameter page_text_to_local is is turned off ('0') AND executables have the sticky bit turned OFF. Refer to the manual pages for chmod(1), if you need to know more about the sticky bit.

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    2. lotsfree, desfree and minfree

      There are three kernel parameters that have recently become tuneable by mortals. They are the "paging" parameters lotsfree, desfree and minfree. These parameters define thresholds that the kernel uses to determine swapper/vhand (the page daemon) behavior. Here is the short version, in english (sort of :-)), of how these parameters are used...

      lotsfree -- vhand begins to "age" pages. There is another parameter that is dynamically modified, gpgslim, which is where vhand begins to "steal" pages. gpgslim starts at one quarter the distance between desfree and lotsfree, and "moves" between them, based on memory pressure.

      desfree -- more serious, more furious :-) paging begins here. Much of vhand's behavior is modified at this point... how often it wakes up, how many pages to look at, what is the distance between the age and steal hands, how many pages to steal, etc.

      minfree -- at this point, the system is deactivating processes. In the "old" days this would have been where swapping took place. We no longer swap processes.

      I have noticed, on several occasions, that these parameters have been set way too high. It was very apparent on several V class machines. The suggested values are:

      on a system with up to 2GB of memory:

      on a system with 2GB to 8GB of memory:

      on a system with a whole group of memory:

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    3. Text, Data and Shared Objects Maximum Values

      The "new" maximums for text, data and shared objects on 64 bit HP-UX, for a 64 bit executable are 4TB for both text and data and 8TB combined for shared objects. The maximum size of any single shared object is 1GB.

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      A EXEC_MAGIC executable is only "legal" if it is a 32 bit application on either 64 or 32 bit HP-UX. The "old" maximums are still in effect... 1.9GB of data space, unless the "current" documented malloc() and mallopt() call combination is used. In that case, you have just under 4GB as a maximum.

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    5. The New Parameters for Text, Data and Stack

      Don't forget to adjust the new parameters maxtsiz_64bit, maxdsiz_64bit and maxssiz_64bit to meet your application requirements.

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    6. Variable Size Pages

      The chatr() command

      Let's talk a little bit about chatr() first. The command gets its' name from change attribute. It will change a programs' internal attributes. The man page tells you that by default, chatr() prints each file's magic number and file attributes. Let us digress... if you do not "know" magic numbers, or, more important - if you do not know HOW THE HECK to interpret what chatr() is displaying vs. what the man page describes as the magic number...yer DEAD. For example, when chatr()'ing an EXEC_MAGIC, you will see "normal executable" as the first attribute. You obviously know that this means EXEC_MAGIC...right? :-). If you were to od() the executable (-x), you would see that the third and fourth bytes were 0107. Obvious, eh? I think not. Check out the man page for magic(4). You will see that the first group of "#define" statements that you encounter will actually use the words like EXEC_MAGIC and the associated hex number like 0x107 AND the comment field will look something like /* normal executable */. For example:

          #define EXEC_MAGIC      0x107   /* normal executable */

      Whew!...had enough? Get it? OK. Let's move on.

      The only machines that support variable pages are the PA-8000 and any "follow-ons" based on the PA 2.0 arcitecture. Partial support of variable size pages has existed since HP-UX 10.20.

      The Benefits

      First, we need to take a look at the Translation Lookaside Buffer (the tlb). It is a small, high speed piece of hardware. The "current" sizes are:

      There are NO hardware walkers. There ia a large penalty (cycle time) to perform tlb miss handling. Applications with large data sets will spend a lot of time handling tlb misses.

      Using variable sized pages:

      Many/most applications will NOT realize a performance increase. An application that spends very little time handling tlb misses will not improve much, if at all.

      How Do I Use Variable Sized Pages?

      Determine the page size that seems to be best for the application. Set the appropriate page size for text and/or data pages. Use the chatr() command to do this.

      Valid page sizes range from 4K to 256MB. Take care when using the -L option (Large). This option requires that the user executing the application posess MLOCK privelege (see setprivgrp(1m)).

      New Kernel Parameters

      There are three new kernel parameters, tunable by you. They are:

      Variable Page Size "Inhibitors"

      OR...why am I not getting my variable sized pages? I cannot go into the technical details here, but, you can find the more verbose explanation of the reasons in the white paper on variable sized pages. Here is my "list" of reasons.

    7. Memory Windows

      Why Use Memory Windows?

      In HP-UX 10.X, the limitation on the maximum (total) size of shared "objects" is 1.75GB system wide. Typically, there are many processes sharing a limited amount of memory. This memory is utilized by all processes using any/all of the "shared object" stuff...shared memory, shared libraries and memory mapped files. Often just three or four processes need all or most of the available memory. It should be noted that only 32 bit processes are affected by this limitation. With a 8TB limitation on shared object space in 64 bit land, I assume it will be a couple of months before one of you require more! More important...ya don't need memory windows.


      Applications using a memory window cannot "see" any other memory window. Also, the current memory window is inherited accross fork(). This could cause starnge behaviour. And...should applications in multiple memory windows have a need to communicate, they would need to use the standard system wide shared memory space, .75GB in the 4th quadrant.

      When Should Memory Windows Be Used?

      On HP-UX 10.X, you could not have (even) two "sets" of processes, each sharing a 1GB segment of shared memory. This is just impossible when the total amount of shared space is 1.75GB (actually, less). On 11.X you can have multiple sets of processes, each sharing 1GB of memory. A typical example of this would be multiple instances of Oracle, SAP, etc. So. Sites or users that need to run multiple concurrent processes or applications that require the sharing of LARGE amounts of memory, should use memory windows.

      Memory Window Usage

      Memory windows are created programmatically with two new system calls, getmemwindow(2) and setmemwindow(2). If you are familiar with ipcxxx(2) type system calls, these are similar. Be aware of the new kernel paramater max_mem_window. It defaults to 0, so make sure you modify it.

      *LARGE* Memory Windows

      When using memory windows as discussed above, the "global window" (typically the first one) could get a maximum of 1.75GB, and each memory window thereafter could get 1GB. One could obtain 2.75GB for the global and 2GB for sny subsequent windows. This can be accomplished with a SHMEM_MAGIC executable. You make an executable SHMEM_MAGIC using the -M option to ld(), or the -M option to chatr().

      The REAL maximums...I always tell people that you will actually get...2.75GB (or 1.75GB) MINUS all shared memory space currently in use, MINUS all shared library space currently in use, MINUS all memory mapped file space currently in use. I have seen as much as 2.6GB.

    8. Spinlock Pool Parameters

      This was "borrowed" from the web page on Configurable Kernel Parameters.

      The following parameters, all related to spinlock pools for multi-processor computers, are used similarly and are documented together here. Each parameter allocates the specified number of spinlocks for the corresponding system resource:


        Buffer-cache spinlock pool


        Channel queue spinlock pool


        File-table spinlock pool


        I/O-port spinlock pool


        Pfdat spinlock pool


        Process-region spinlock pool


        System V Inter-process-communication spinlock pool


        Vnode clean/dirty spinlock pool


        Vnode spinlock pool

      These parameters are for use by advanced users only who have a thorough understanding of how spinlocks are used by multiple processors and how the number of spinlocks needed are related to system size and complexity. Do not change these from their default value unless you understand the consequences of any changes. In general, these values should not be altered without the advice of HP support engineers who are thoroughly familiar with their use.

      Setting these parameters to inappropriate values can result in severe performance problems in multi-processor systems.

      Following is a list of acceptable values. All of these parameters have the same minimum and maximum values. Only the defaults are different as indicated:






        64 (ftable_hash_locks, io_ports_hash_locks)


        128 (bufcache_hash_locks, pfdat_hash_locks, region_hash_locks, sysv_hash_locks, vnode_hash_locks, vnode_cd_hash_locks)


        256 (chanq_hash_locks)

      Specify a value that is an integer exponent of 2. If you specify any other value, SAM or the kernel itself changes the parameter value to the next larger integer exponent of two (for example, specifying 100 results in the spinlock-pool value of 128.


      In simple terms, spinlocks are a mechanism used in multiple-processor systems to control the interaction of processors that must be held off while waiting for another processor to finish a task so the results can be passed to the waiting processor. Spinlocks control access to file-system vnodes, I/O ports, buffer cache, and various other resources.

      Earlier HP-UX versions allocated a fixed number of spinlocks for all resources, but beginning at HP-UX 11.0, spinlocks can be allocated for each resource type to accommodate very large and complex systems.

      In general, if the system is encountering lock contention problems that are associated with one of these hashed pools, first identify the resource spinlock pool that is associated with the contention, then increase the spinlock-pool parameter for that resource. Spinlock pools are always an integer power of two. If you specify a value that is not, the kernel always allocates a value that is the next larger integer exponent of two.

      As stated above, these parameters are for use by experienced, knowledgeable system administrators only. They should not be altered unless you are quite certain that what you are doing is the correct thing to do.

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    (c) Copyright 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company.
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