에러 vmunix: file: table is full 에 대하여
2011.08.30 22:10
원문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 // 시스템 엔지니어
Writer : http://www.ischo.net -- ischo // System Engineer in Replubic Of Korea
원문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 //시스템 엔지니어
- nfile(5)
- If the kernel parameter nfile or maxuprc is too small, then messages like the following will appear in syslog:
Jan 23
15:04:10 hostname last message repeated
55 times
Jan 23
15:10:10 hostname vmunix: file: table is
- on the
console, you may see:
file: table
is full
- Check to see if the
file table is currently full with:
For example:
# sar -v 5 5
HP-UX raw B.11.00
U 9000/735 03/27/03
08:56:14 text-sz ov proc-sz ov inod-sz ov
file-sz ov
08:56:19 N/A N/A 127/500 0 700/700 0
1250/1260 0
08:56:24 N/A N/A 127/500 0 700/700 0
1249/1260 0
08:56:29 N/A N/A 127/500 0 700/700 0
1250/1260 0
08:56:34 N/A N/A 127/500 0 700/700 0
1255/1260 0
08:56:39 N/A N/A 127/500 0 700/700 0
1259/1260 0
Notice that the number
to the left of the slash (the number of currently open files) is near the number
to the right of the slash (max number of open files allowed, nfile.)
- Also to check to see if a one user is
using at or near the limit for a single user, maxuprc(5), run:
# ps –fu username| wc –l
- See doc id HPUXKBRC00008909
(titled ‘vmunix:
file: table is full’)
관련 파라미터 정보
Tunable nproc
Description Maximum number of processes on the system
Module pm
Current Value 4200 [Default]
Value at Next Boot 4200 [Default]
Value at Last Boot 4200
Default Value 4200
Constraints nproc >= 100
nproc <= 30000
nproc >= maxuprc + 5
nproc <= nkthread - 100
nproc >= semmnu + 4
Can Change Immediately or at Next Boot
Tunable nkthread
Description Maximum number of threads on the system
Module pm
Current Value 8416 [Default]
Value at Next Boot 8416 [Default]
Value at Last Boot 8416
Default Value 8416
Constraints nkthread >= 200
nkthread <= 4194304
nkthread >= (5 * vx_era_nthreads)
nkthread >= max_thread_proc
nkthread >= nproc + 100
Can Change Immediately or at Next Boot
Tunable nfile
Description Maximum number of file descriptors (system-wide)
Module fs
Current Value 65536 [Default]
Value at Next Boot Default (automatic)
Value at Last Boot 65536
Default Value 65536 (automatic)
Constraints nfile >= 2048
nfile <= 2147483647
nfile >= (2 * maxfiles_lim)
Can Change Automatic Tuning Enabled