I get "WARNING: System is in an unreliable state." when I log into my UnixWare evaluation system.
2010.05.11 16:56
원문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 // 시스템 엔지니어
Writer : http://www.ischo.net -- ischo // System Engineer in Replubic Of Korea
본문 : http://www.ischo.net -- 조인상 //시스템 엔지니어
I get "WARNING: System is in an unreliable state." when I log into my UnixWare evaluation system.
evaluation unixware 7 711 710 warning system unreliable state violating the software license agreement unlicensed enter single user mode UW7EVAL60 defer deferred expired status manager ENGREF 516457 ERGREF 711656
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.1
I have installed UnixWare 7 and have deferred licensing at install
time. This should provide me with a 60 day evaluation license but
when I log into the system I get the following message:
WARNING: System is in an unreliable state. You may be violating the
Software License Agreement by having unlicensed software on your
system. Please enter Single User Mode and contact your SCO Supplier.
If I run the scoadmin License Manager, the manager indicates that
the evaluation license (UW7EVAL60) expired on 03/15/1990.
There is a problem with the calculation of expiry dates on licenses
of systems that are installed after March 14th, 2001.
This problem has been reported to SCO Engineering.
This problem only occurs on systems that are installed and licensed
after March 14th, 2001. Systems installed before this date do not
manifest the problem.
To workaround this problem take the following steps:
1) Use the SCO License Manager to remove the UW7EVAL60 license
2) Use the SCO License Manager to add the following license to
the system:
License Number: UW711EVAL
License Code: airhorpx
License Data: d60;m7hjbtt
You can only add this license to your system once. If you attempt
to remove and reapply the UW711EVAL license you will get an error
from the License Manager.
The error detail states:
Unable to run brand command to add a license on the system
Invalid License Data was specified.
TA# 113321 "UnixWare 7, I get a "NOTICE: Licensed for a limited
product evaluation period only." message when I log into my system.
I get "WARNING: System is in an unreliable state." when I log into my UnixWare evaluation system.
evaluation unixware 7 711 710 warning system unreliable state violating the software license agreement unlicensed enter single user mode UW7EVAL60 defer deferred expired status manager ENGREF 516457 ERGREF 711656
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.1
I have installed UnixWare 7 and have deferred licensing at install
time. This should provide me with a 60 day evaluation license but
when I log into the system I get the following message:
WARNING: System is in an unreliable state. You may be violating the
Software License Agreement by having unlicensed software on your
system. Please enter Single User Mode and contact your SCO Supplier.
If I run the scoadmin License Manager, the manager indicates that
the evaluation license (UW7EVAL60) expired on 03/15/1990.
There is a problem with the calculation of expiry dates on licenses
of systems that are installed after March 14th, 2001.
This problem has been reported to SCO Engineering.
This problem only occurs on systems that are installed and licensed
after March 14th, 2001. Systems installed before this date do not
manifest the problem.
To workaround this problem take the following steps:
1) Use the SCO License Manager to remove the UW7EVAL60 license
2) Use the SCO License Manager to add the following license to
the system:
License Number: UW711EVAL
License Code: airhorpx
License Data: d60;m7hjbtt
You can only add this license to your system once. If you attempt
to remove and reapply the UW711EVAL license you will get an error
from the License Manager.
The error detail states:
Unable to run brand command to add a license on the system
Invalid License Data was specified.
TA# 113321 "UnixWare 7, I get a "NOTICE: Licensed for a limited
product evaluation period only." message when I log into my system.
댓글 0
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 조회 수 |
» | I get "WARNING: System is in an unreliable state." when I log into my UnixWare evaluation system. | 조인상 | 2010.05.11 | 13296 |
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unixware 7 기본 교육설명서
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