수박 살때 돈을 절약할 방법을 찾았어.

I found the way to save money when I buy a watermelon.

> I found the way to save money when buying watermelon.


어떻게 절약할 수 있는데?

How can you save it?

> How can you save?


같은 품목을 두 개 사면 할인을 받을 수 있어.

I can get a discount when I buy two same items.

> You can get a discount if you buy two of the same items.


할인이 많이 되나?

How much get you a discount?

> Is there a big discount?


내가 수박을 두개를 3달러에 샀는데, 지금까지 본 중에 가장 싼거야.

I bought two watermelons for three dolors, it's the cheapest price I've ever seen.

> I bought two watermelons for only 3 dollars, and that's the cheapest I've ever seen.


정말 저렴하다!

What a cheap price!

> It's really cheap!


나는 한 번도 그렇게 싼 가격에 사 본적이 없어.

I've never bought that for such a cheap price even once.

> I've never bought it so cheap.


음... 그래도 한편으론 더 비싼 수박이 더 맛있지 않을까?

Well... But the other hand, Isn't the expensive one tastes better?

> Hmm.... But one the other hand, wouldn't more expensive watermelons taste better?


맛은 더 좋겠지만, 그 만큼의 가격을 지불해야해.

That is tastes better, but you must pay for that.

> The taste may be better, but you've got to pay the price for it.



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