에바, 잡지사 인턴 일은 어때?

Eva, How was going your intern job?

> Eva, How's your intership at the magazine going?


여전히 터득하는 중이야.

I'm still studying things.

> I'm still learning the ropes.


힘든 일이 많아?

Were there a lot of works?

> Is there a lot of hard work to do?


응, 그리고 빡빡한 마감 기한도 많고.

Yeah, And a lot of tight end line things too.

> Yeah, and a lot of tight deadlines.


분명 잘 파악하게될거야.

You'll definately doing well soon.

> I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.


사실, 직원분들이 정말 잘 도와주셔.

In fact, There are many employees who support me well.

> Actually, the staff have benn really helpful.


좋은 팁도 좀 알려주시고 그래?

Did they tell you a good hints?

> Are they giving you some good tips?


응, 다들 가치있는 피드백을 주시지.

Yeah, They all give me a worthy feedbacks.

> Yeah, they're giving me valuable feedback.





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